標題: Using intensity and wavelength division multiplexing for fiber Bragg grating sensor system
作者: Sien, Chi
Hong-Yih, Tseng
Peng-Chun, Peng
Jia-He, Lin
公開日期: 28-十月-2004
摘要: The present invention provides a fiber Bragg grating sensor system, which comprises a light-division device having receiving-sending terminals and sensing terminals, a light generating device and a photo detector coupled with receiving-sending terminal of a light-division device, sensing fibers coupled with the sensing terminals, said sensing fiber comprising a fiber Bragg grating, a information processor connecting with said photo detector. The light-division device distribute different optical energy ratio from said receiving-sending terminals to said sensing terminals. The intensity and wavelength division multiplexing can make different intensity for the information addressed of different sensing fiber on the same optical channel to enhance the sensing capacity of fiber Bragg grating sensor system.
官方說明文件#: G02B006/26
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105765
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20040213501


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