Title: A Wideband SiGe HBT Gilbert Micromixer With Differential-to-Single CE-CC Output Stage
Authors: Syu, Jin-Siang
Meng, Chinchun
Wu, Chih-Kai
Huang, Guo-Wei
Institute of Communications Engineering
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: A wideband downconversion mixer is demonstrated using 0.35-mu m SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology. A micromixer topology is implemented in the RF port while a differential type shunt-shunt feedback amplifier and a differential-to-single CE-CC output buffer are used in the IF stage. ne frequency response analysis and systematic measurement approach for a wideband Gilbert mixer are proposed in this paper for each individual stage of local frequency (LO), radio frequency (RF), and intermediate frequency (IF). ne differential LO signals are generated by several off-chip 180 degree hybrids to cover more than 8:1 bandwidth. The downconversion Gilbert mixer achieves the conversion gain of 6 dB, IP(1dB) of -17.5 dBm, and IP(3) of -7 dBm. The power consumption is 37.5 mW at 3.3V supply voltage.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/10622
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0748-4
Begin Page: 518
End Page: 521
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper