標題: Cushioning the pressure vibration of a zeolite concentrator system using a decoupled balancing duct system
作者: Chang, Feng-Tang
Lin, Yu-Chih
College of Engineering
關鍵字: pressure fluctuation;semiconductor and optoelectronics manufacturing;air pollution control devices;volatile organic compounds (VOCs);adsorption;rotor concentrator
公開日期: 1-七月-2007
摘要: A honeycomb Zeolite Rotor Concentrator (HZRC) is the main air pollution control device utilized by many semiconductor and optoelectronics manufacturers. Various plant exhaust streams are collected and then transferred to the HZRC for decontamination. In a conventional HZRC, the exhaust fan movement and the switching between different air ducts can cause significant duct pressure variations resulting in production interruption. The minimization (of pressure fluctuations to ensure continuous operation production lines while maintaining a high volatile efficiency is organic compounds (VOCs) removal efficiency essential for exhaust treatment in these high technology manufactures. The article introduces a decoupled balancing duct system (DBDS)for controlling the airflows to achieve a balanced pressure in the HZRC system by adding a flow rate control device to the VOCs loaded stream bypass duct of a conventional system. Performance comparisons of HZRC with DBDS and other airflow control stems used by the wafer manufacturers in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan are presented. DBDS system had been proved effectively to stabilize the pressure in the airflow ducts, and thus avoided pressure fluctuations; it beeped to achieve a high VOCs removal efficiency while ensuring the stability of the HZRC. (c) 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 26: 188-196, 2007.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ep.10199
ISSN: 0278-4491
DOI: 10.1002/ep.10199
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
起始頁: 188
結束頁: 196


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