Title: | 國家型研發計畫評估與政策管理:以研發國際化的觀點 National R&D Program Evaluation and Policy Management: The Perspective of R&D Internalization |
Authors: | 張元杰 史欽泰 簡文強 蘇千豪 Yuan-Chieh Chang Chin-Tay Shih Wen-Chiang Chieng Chian-Hau Su Institute of Business and Management 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 國家型計畫;研發評估;研發國際化;多國籍企業;德爾菲法;National R&D Program;R&D Evaluation;Globalization of R&D;Multinational Corporation;Delphi Method |
Issue Date: | 1-Jan-2009 |
Abstract: | 爲建立台灣成爲「國際創新研發基地」,經濟部自民國91年推動「鼓勵國外企業在台設立研發中心」計畫,期望透過國外企業在台從事較前瞻型與躍進型研發活動,以彌補台灣以發展型與漸進式創新研發的不足,但實施至今,國外企業在台研發中心實際從事的研發活動與績效尚待評估。本文回顧研發國際化與科技評估等文獻,提出了一個整合式的評估架構(integrated evaluation approach)來評估該國家型研發計畫對我國創新系統與產業研發的影響,透過四個產業專家小組的討論,找出該計畫的政策效用、衝擊、過程改善與未來發展策略的重要評估議題,再經德爾菲法問卷(Delphi survey)來匯集專家對該研發計畫的看法。研究結果顯示:(1)該計畫的效用面:專家對「促進全國研發經費占GDP3%的目標」、「促進台灣企業進行較前瞻型技術研發」與「彌補我國企業在基礎研究的不足」等方面,都持較保留的看法;(2)在計畫產生的研發效益方面:專家認爲對「產業在國際接軌」與「活絡國內創新體系」效益高於「產業研發升級」;(3)對計畫補助的重點上:國外研發中心與國內的產學研合作研究應繼續加強;與(4)未來政策與策略發展方面:該計畫應對不同的研發活動,給予不同的補助比例,乃當務之急。最後本文對該國家型研發計畫政策評估過程與未來方向提出建言。 For establishing Taiwan as a global R&D hub, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan, initiated a national R&D program entitled: 'The Program to Encourage Multinational Corporations to Set up Innovative R&D Centers in Taiwan' in 2002. The purpose of the program aims to solve the systemic innovation failure prevailing in the Taiwanese industrial innovation system that the Taiwanese firms tend to focus on incremental and development-focused R&D rather than radical and pre-competitive R&D. However, the impacts of the program on Taiwanese innovation system are understudied. The paper proposes an integrated evaluation approach to assess the national impacts as a whole. The paper illustrates the organization of evaluation that deploys four industrial panels and a following 2-wave Delphi questionnaire survey. Based on the Delphi exercise, the study collects expert's opinions on the effectiveness, impacts, process improvement, and future development strategy of the program. The results suggest: (1) the program achieved in facilitating domestic innovation actors to tap on MNC global R&D networks but did little in promoting radical innovation and basic research in Taiwanese industry; (2) providing higher subsidy rate to basic and pre-competitive R&D activities and (3) enhancing MNC R&D centers-national innovation actor collaborative research are the top priorities in the future funding policy. Finally, some recommendations for the further national R&D program evaluation are made. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107759 |
ISSN: | 1023-9863 |
Journal: | 管理與系統 Journal of Management and Systems |
Volume: | 16 |
Issue: | 1 |
Begin Page: | 25 |
End Page: | 51 |
Appears in Collections: | 管理與系統 |