標題: Micellar morphologies of self-associated diblock copolymers in acetone solution
作者: Tung, Pao-Hsiang
Kuo, Shiao-Wei
Chen, Shih-Chien
Lin, Chen-Lung
Chang, Feng-Chih
Department of Applied Chemistry
關鍵字: block copolymer;self-assembly;micelle
公開日期: 21-五月-2007
摘要: We describe the synthesis and solution morphologies of poly(vinyl phenol-b-styrene) (PVPh-b-PS) micelles and the effects that changing the copolymer composition and concentration have on self-assembly structures of PVPh-b-PS in acetone (a good solvent for PVPh). These PVPh-b-PS copolymers aggregated into spherical, rod-like, and vesicular morphologies. The transformations of the PVPh-b-PS block copolymer micelles in acetone depended on a number of parameters, including the relative block lengths, their concentrations, and the degree of self-association through hydrogen bonding of the coronal PVPh chains. We also investigated the morphologies of the micelles formed from acetone solutions of poly (4-tert-butoxystyrene-b-styrene) (PtBOS-b-PS) copolymers having the same degree of polymerization as the precursor of PVPh-b-PS copolymer before hydrolysis reaction. Our results indicate that the micelles formed from PVPh-b-PS copolymers in acetone were more complicated than those prepared from PtBOS-b-PS copolymers in acetone because hydrogen bonding occurs in the micelle corona of the PVPh block. Finally, we also discussed the morphology transition when the self-association hydrogen bonding of PVPh block was destroyed by adding proton acceptor poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4vp). (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2007.03.071
ISSN: 0032-3861
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2007.03.071
Volume: 48
Issue: 11
起始頁: 3192
結束頁: 3200


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