標題: 賞鯨活動之旅遊服務品質區隔研究-問卷調查分析與類神經網路之應用
Study on Service Quality Segmentation of Whale-watching Activity-Applying Survey Analysis and Neural Network
作者: 林士彥
Shih-Yen Lin
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 賞鯨活動;服務品質;類神經網路;Whale-watching Activity;Service Quality;Neural Network
公開日期: 1-四月-2007
摘要: 發展生態旅遊為政府東部觀光事業政策重點之一,台灣地理得天獨厚,周邊海域上的鯨豚發現紀錄種類豐富,自1997年起,遊客參與賞鯨活動及其相關配套行程為東海岸地區帶入可觀的觀光商機。在賞鯨活動日益發展之下,業者須針對服務內容不斷改善品質,提昇顧客滿意度,增強自身的競爭力,以期能永續經營。本研究以賞鯨活動為例,探討目前賞鯨活動之服務品質,並利用類神經網路分析比較賞鯨活動遊客服務品質型態的區隔,分析遊客的人口變數、旅遊特性對服務品質的差異。研究結果顯示採用類神經網路作分類判斷有較高的正確率,共區隔出「高度重視服務品質群」、「中度重視服務品質群」、「低度重視服務品質群」三個集群,做為賞鯨旅遊業者經營現有及開拓未來新業務時之市場區隔參考依據。
One of the important policies of Taiwan government on tourism industry is to develop Ecotourism on the east coast, and the geographic advantages of the east Taiwan is that there are a variety of whales and dolphins existing at this coast area. Since 1997, many whale-watching tour companies have been built-up, and numerous people have joined the whale-watching activity; therefore, compound tour sets have even brought substantial business opportunity to the east coast area. While the whale-watching activities have gradually developed, the business proprietors should improve the event and the service quality of the tour in order to increase customers' satisfaction. This study takes the whale-watching activity as an example. We obtained data from questionnaires, and then analyzed the service quality of activity. Next, we applied neural network to realize the characteristics of tourists by performing cluster and discrimination on consumers. Three customer groups are classified by expected service quality rating. The results validate that the classification performance of neural network is better than discriminant analysis. Finally, this study provides relevance suggestions to help whale-watching tour companies realize and manage their customer relationship.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107991
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
起始頁: 293
結束頁: 316


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