標題: 以社會支持調適第一線員工的工作-非工作衝突與提昇生活品質
Coping with Work-Nonwork Conflict and Promoting Life Quality of Frontline Employees Via Social Support
作者: 翁振益
Jehn-Yih Wong
Jo-Hui Lin
Shih-Hao Liu
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 生活品質;社會支持;工作與非工作衝突;Quality of Life;Social Support;Work-nonwork Conflict
公開日期: 1-七月-2008
摘要: 第一線員工日漸感受到沈重的職場壓力,特別是遭遇工作與非工作之間的衝突,因此,角色衝突也將進而影響其生活品質。本研究旨在驗證社會支持是否在「工作與非工作衝突」(如:工作對家庭衝突、家庭對工作衝突、工作對休閒衝突)以及「生活品質」(如:工作滿意度、家庭滿意度和休閒滿意度)之間扮演調節變數的角色。首先依據文獻界定假設模式,其次調查336位服務型員工的問卷,運用線性結構關係模式進行模式識別,以探討角色衝突來源、生活品質與社會支持等構念間的關係。研究發現主管支持與家庭支持在模式中均能發揮調節壓力的作用,即主管支持顯著調節「家庭對工作衝突」與「工作對休閒衝突」對工作滿意度之負向影響,家庭支持則些微的調節「工作對家庭衝突」與「工作對休閒衝突」。本文的貢獻在於確立「社會支持」在組織行爲理論中的角色,以及針對第一線員工提出一套適宜的壓力調適模式。最後依據研究發現提出員工壓力管理與支持型氣氛等建議,以期作爲人力資源主管之參考。
Many frontline employees increasingly confront with rising levels of stress from the work surroundings, especially their experiences in the work and nonwork conflict. And then their life of quality is also influenced with role conflict. The purpose of this study was explored that social support is a moderator between work-nonwork conflicts (e.g., work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict and work-to-leisure conflict) and quality of life (e.g., job satisfaction, family satisfaction and leisure satisfaction). First, this research was in accorded with literature in order to specify hypothetical models. Second, the model developed examines 336 service providers to identify the fit of proposed model. Structural equation modeling using LISREL was employed to test the relationships among research constructs. Results revealed supervisor and family support bring the moderating effect in theoretical model. Specifically, supervisor support was found moderated the negative effects between family-to-work conflict and job satisfaction as well as work-to-leisure conflict and job satisfaction. Family support was found had a light moderating on work-to-family conflict and work-to-leisure conflict. The contribution of this study is to identify the role of social support on the organizational behavior theory, and proposes a suitable coping stress model for frontline employees. Finally, the results provide some suggestions about employees' stress management and supportive climate for organizations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/108021
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 15
Issue: 3
起始頁: 355
結束頁: 376


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