標題: 中文功能語法專題
Functional Approaches to Mandarin Chinese
作者: 劉美君
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本課程是由交通大學外國語文學系提供。
Objectives This class is a continuation and advancement of ‘Syntax II: functional approaches to syntax’. It is designed to further students knowledge and understanding of the functional issues and theories involved in the analyses of Mandarin Chinese. Besides the Introduction-recent developments in functional approaches to Chinese, the lectures will focus on 10 major areas to explore the unique characters of Mandarin: Basic sentence structure: topic, subject and clause chain Functionalism and Chinese: cognition-based grammar Cognitive basis for grammatical categories: classifiers and VRs Iconicity: temporal sequence and motion sequence The aspectual system: LE/GUO/ZHE and verbal aspect Discourse and grammar: discourse explanation of grammatical form Constructional approach: form-meaning association Emergent grammar: article system Corpus approach: near-synonyms Semantic change and grammatiacalization For each topic, 2-3 papers will be chosen to illustrate how the topic has been dealt with in the literature. The readings serve to provide a solid foundation of classic works and a wide spectrum of important issues concerning the Chinese grammar. Students are encouraged to have a broad knowledge base of all the issues discussed in class and concentrate on 1-2 areas of interest for further investigation. Students are expected to be able to apply the theoretical framework to solve a specific issue related to their interest. The class will eventually enable students to have an in-depth understanding of the unique properties of Mandarin Chinese and to conduct a small-scale research from a chosen functional perspective. Tentative Schedule Week Topic W1 Introduction of the courseBasic tenets of functional syntaxChinese vs. English W2 Functional approaches to ChineseSentence structure:Topic-Comment W3 Functionalism and Chinese Grammar W4 Cognitive basis for Categorization/categorialityWhy classifiers?Why VRs? W5 Iconicity: word order in Chinese W6 Aspect in Chinese W7 Discourse Pragmatic W8 Discourse, grammar and grammaticalization W9 Emergent grammar:Article system W10 Emergent grammar:Demonstratives W11 Conversational analysis W12 Corpus approach to near-synonyms W13 Corpus approach to verbal semantics W14 Construction grammar W15 Constructional approach to VRC construction W16 Happy New Year!No class W17 Subjectivity and semantic change W18 Class Conference Reading material:a packet of selected papers for weekly reading Recommended texts 1.Chao, Yuenren. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley U Press. Charles Li and Sandra Thompson. 1981. Mandarin Chinese: a functional reference grammar. 1981. University of California Press. James Huang and Audrey Li, eds. 1996. New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics. Kluwer Academic Publisher Chaofen Sun. 2006. Chinese: a linguistic introduction. Cambridge Press Pre-requisite: It is strongly recommended that students should have taken Syntax II Grading 項目 百分比 1. Attendance and participation 20% 2. Weekly reading and group discussion 20% 3. Oral presentation 20% 4. Mid-term Critique 20% 5. Final Project 20% Mid-term CritiqueThis is designed for the students to review and comment on one particular paper discussed in class. Students need to give a well-organized summary of the article with five parts: the issue (with brief literature review), the goal and scope of the paper (the niche), the data and framework, the argument and proposal (with linguistic evidence), the contribution and/or problems unsolved. Students are encouraged to challenge the author by presenting new data, counterexamples, different analysis or different explanations. (3-5 pages) Final Project: a corpus-based analysisThis is designed for the students to write up a preliminary proposal for an issue of their interests, taking a functional and corpus-based approach (5-10 pages). Students may take the opportunity to ask a question, start collecting and sorting data, reviewing literature, identifying the niche, doing grammatical analyses and forming a hypothesis. Reference Biq Yung-O, Tai James, Thompson Sandra. 1996. Recent Development in Functional Approaches to Chinese. New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics, 97-140. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. Tsao, Feng-Fu. 1990. Subject, Topic and Topic Chain in Chinese. Sentence and Clause Structure in Chinese: a functional perspective. Taipei: Student Book. Co.. Tsao, Feng-Fu .1987. A Topic-Comment Approach to the BA Construction. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 15, 1:1-54. Tai, James H-Y. 1989. Toward a cognition-based functional grammar of Chinese. Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, J. Tai and F. Hsueh (ed.), 186-226. Chinese Language Teachers Association Monograph Series No.1. South Orange: Chinese Language Teachers Association.(漢譯文見《功能主義與漢語語法》, 葉蜚聲等譯,北京:北京語言學院出版社,1994) Huang, Chu-Ren. 1990. Review of Tai and Hsueh (eds.), Functionalism and Chinese Grammar. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 18, 2:318-334. Tai, James H-Y and Chao, Fang-Yi. 1994. A Semantic Study of the Classifier ZHANG. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Teachers Association 29, 3:67-78. Xing, Janet Zhiqun. 2012. Semantic change in the grammaticalization of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. Newest Trends in the Study of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Chinese. Janet Zhiqun Xing (Ed.), 270-213. De Gruyter Mouton. Liu, Mei-chun. 1997. Conceptual Basis and Categorial Structure: Mandarin VR compounds. Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica, Number 2. Chinese Languages and Linguistics IV: Typological Studies of Languages in China. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Tai, James H-Y. 1985. Temporal Sequence and Chinese Word Order. Iconicity in Syntax: Typological Studies in Language: 6. John Haiman (ed.), John Benjamins Publishing Co.. Liu et al. 2013. The Proto-Motion Event Schema: Integrating Lexical Semantics and Morphological Sequencing. Paper submitted to Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Tai, James H-Y. 1984. Verbs and Times in Chinese: Vendler’s Four Categories. Papers from the Parsession on Lexical Semantics. Chicago Linguistics Society, 289-296. Smith, Carlota. 1991. The Aspectual System of Mandarin Chinese. The Parameter of Aspect. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Biq, Yung-O. 1989. Ye as Manifested on Three Discourse Planes: Polysemy or Abstraction? Functionalism and Chinese Grammar. J. Tai and F. Hsueh (ed.), 1-18. Chinese Language Teachers Association Monograph Series No.1. South Orange: Chinese Language Teachers Association. Biq, Yung-O. 2004. People, Things and Stuff: General Nouns in Spoken Mandarin. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 30, 1: 41-64. Biq, Yung-O. 1991. The Multiple uses of the 2nd person singular pronoun ni in conversational Mandarin. Journal of Pragmatics 16: 307-321. North-Holland. Liu, Mei-Chun. 1994. Discourse Explanations for the Choice of Jiu and Cai in Mandarin Conversation. 《中國境內語言暨語言學》2: 671-709. Liu, Mei-Chun. 1997. From Motion Verb to Linking Elements: Discourse Explanations for the Grammaticalization of Jiu in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 25, 2:258-289. Huang, Shuan-Fan. 1998. The Emergence of a grammatical category definite article in spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 77-94. Liu, Mei-chun. 2010. Emergence of the indefinite article: discourse evidence for the grammaticalization of YIGE in spoken Mandarin. Formal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research, An Van linden, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Tao, Hongyin. 1999. The Grammar of Demonstratives in Mandarin Conversational Discourse: A Case Study. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27, 1: 69-103. Fang, Mei. 2012. The emergence of a definite article in Beijing Mandarin: The evolution of the proximal demonstrative zhe. Newest Trends in the Study of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Chinese. Janet Zhiqun Xing (Ed.), 55-86. De Gruyter Mouton. Wang, Yu-Fang. 1999. The Information Sequences of Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese Conversation. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27, 2: 45-89. Tao, Hong-Yin and Sandra A. Thompson. 1991. English Backchannels in Mandarin Conversations: A Case Study of Superstratum Pragmatic ‘interference.’ Journal of Pragmatics 16: 209-223. North-Holland. 蔡美智、黃居仁、陳克健。1999。由近義詞辨義標準看語意、句法之互動。《中國境內語言暨語言學》,5: 439-459。 Chief Lian-Cheng, Huang Chu-Ren, Chen Keh Jiann, Tsai Mei-Chih, Chang, Li-Li. 2000. What Can Near Synonyms Tell Us? Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 5, 1: 47-60. Liu, Mei-Chun. 2003. Motion, Direction, and Spatial Configuration: A Lexical Semantics Study of ‘HANG’ Verbs in Mandarin. Motion, Direction, and Location in Languages. Shay, Erin and Seibert Uwe (eds.), Typological Studies in Language 56: 177-187. Chang, Li-Li, Chen Keh-Jiann, and Huang, Chu-Ren. 2000. Alternation across Semantic Fields: A Study on Mandarin Verbs of Emotion. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 5, 1:61-80. Liu, Mei-chun. 2009. Emotion in grammar: Lexical-constructional interface of Mandarin emotion verbs. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17), Paris, France, July 2-4, 2009. Liu, Mei-Chun. 2005. Lexical Information and Beyond: Meaning Coercion and Constructional Inference of the Mandarin Verb GAN. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 33, 2:310-332. Liu, Mei-Chun and Chang Chun. 2012. The degree-evaluative construction: Grammaticalization in contructionalization. Newest Trends in the Study of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Chinese. Janet Zhiqun Xing (Ed.), 115-148. De Gruyter Mouton. Huang, Han-Chun. 2008. Resultative Verb Compounds in Mandarin: a constructional approach. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University. Liu, Mei-Chun and Hu, Chia-Yin. 2013. Free Alternation? A Study on Grammatical Packaging of Excessive Predication in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics, 14.1: 47-90. Su, Lily I-Wen. 2004. Subjectification and the Use of the Complementizer SHUO. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 30.1: 19-40. 張麗麗。2006。漢語使役句表被動的語義發展。Language and Linguistics 7.1:139-174
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=5&nid=461