標題: Phosphor-free GaN-based transverse junction light emitting diodes for the generation of white light
作者: Shi, J. -W.
Huang, H. -Y
Wang, C. -K.
Sheu, J. -K.
Lai, W. -C.
Wu, Y-S.
Chen, C. -H.
Chu, J. -T.
Kuo, H. -C.
Lin, Wei-Ping
Yang, Tsung-Hsun
Chyi, J. -I.
Department of Photonics
關鍵字: GaN light-emitting-diode (LED);white-light generation
公開日期: 1-十一月-2006
摘要: We demonstrate a GaN-based phosphor-free near-white-light light-emitting-diode (LED) structure that operates in the visible wavelengths and offers broadening and flattening optical bandwidth performance. The incorporation of GaN-based dual wavelengths (blue and green) multiple-quantum-wells with a transverse p-n junction produces a device which can directly generate stable and near visible white-light emissions. The shape of the optical spectra (440-560 nm) are invariable from low to very high levels of bias currents. The problems of nonuniform carrier distribution and bias dependent electrolumineseence. spectra that occur in traditional phosphor-free white-light or near-white-light LEDs (with vertical p-n junctions) are eliminated by the demonstrated structure.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2006.887362
ISSN: 1041-1135
DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2006.887362
Volume: 18
Issue: 21-24
起始頁: 2593
結束頁: 2595


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