Title: Enhancement of the optical and electrical properties in InGaAlP/InGaP PIN heterostructures by rapid thermal annealing on misoriented substrate
Authors: Chin, A
Lin, HY
Lin, BC
National Chiao Tung University
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
Issue Date: 1-Jul-1996
Abstract: We have studied the optical and electrical properties of InGaAlP/InGaP PIN heterostructures by the effects of post-growth annealing, substrate misorientation and growth temperature. For the as-grown p-type In-0.5(Ga0.5Al0.5)(0.5)P, the 15 degrees misoriented sample shows the largest hole concentration of 1 x 10(18) cm(-3) as compared to 20 and 10 degrees misoriented samples. After annealing at 900 degrees C for 30 s, the hole concentration increases about three times to 2.6 x 10(18) cm(-3). The increased hole concentration is related to the four times enhanced photoluminescence (PL) intensity. In the In0.6Ga0.4P/In-0.5(Ga0.6Al0.4)(0.5)P stained multiple quantum wells, the post-growth annealing also improves the PL integrated intensity. The PL intensity on an as-grown sample decreases with the increased degree of misorientation, while the PL peak energy increases with the increased degree of misorientation, from 0 degrees, 2 degrees, 10 degrees toward 15 degrees. The PL intensities are larger for samples grown at 760 degrees C than those grown at 700 degrees C. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-1101(95)00415-7
ISSN: 0038-1101
DOI: 10.1016/0038-1101(95)00415-7
Volume: 39
Issue: 7
Begin Page: 1005
End Page: 1009
Appears in Collections:期刊論文


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