標題: Embedded system using image coding method
作者: Wu Bing-Fei
Chen Yen-Lin
Huang Hao-Yu
公開日期: 5-五月-2015
摘要: An image coding method including constructing a plurality of edge models with a Forward Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT) algorithm; creating adjustment equations each matching one of the edge models; capturing an image comprising pixels; selecting the pixels of the image to define image blocks; detecting by block-edge detection (BED) a pattern collectively exhibited by the pixels in the each of the image blocks and then comparing the detected pattern with patterns of the edge models; changing the patterns of the image blocks to the patterns of the edge models and adjusting the dominating coefficient by the adjustment factor after determining that the patterns of the image blocks approximate to the patterns of the edge models; and performing a coding process on the edge models by LLEC to generate a compressed image corresponding to the edge models. An embedded system is applicable to the image coding method.
官方說明文件#: G06K009/46
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122802
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 09025901


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