標題: Semiconductor optical device having an air media layer and the method for forming the air media layer thereof
作者: Lu Tien-Chang
Huang Huei-Min
Kuo Hao-Chung
Wang Shing-Chung
公開日期: 31-三月-2015
摘要: A method for fabricating air media layer within the semiconductor optical device is provided. The step of method includes a substrate is provided, a GaN thin film is formed on the substrate, a sacrificial layer is formed on the GaN thin film, and a nitride-containing semiconductor layer is formed on the sacrificial layer. The semiconductor optical device is immersed with an acidic solution to remove the portion of sacrificial layer to form an air media layer around the residual sacrificial layer.
官方說明文件#: H01L033/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122806
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08993409


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