標題: What Influences Online STDs and HIV/AIDS Information Seeking among Young People? Learning a Lesson from American Studies
作者: 盧鴻毅
Hung-Yi Lu
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 性病;愛滋病毒/愛滋病;網路資訊尋求;STDs;HIV/AIDS;online information seeking
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 研究發現網路漸漸成爲年輕族群搜尋性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病等相關資訊的主要管道。本文試圖以美國經驗爲基礎,提出一個瞭解年輕人網上搜尋性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病資訊的整合模式,此一模式陳述社會情境、個人因素(例如人口變項、個人疾病經驗、個人設想罹病的可能性、自我信念、對疾病資訊尋求行爲的態度、個人對疾病資訊足夠與否的感受與人格特質)及資訊尋求者對網路特質與網上性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病資訊的滿意度對網路性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病資訊行爲尋求的可能影響。近來統計數字也顯示台灣年輕族群感染性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病的比率不斷攀升,但有關該族群在網路上尋求性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病相關資訊的研究卻不多,本文的討論也可作爲台灣研究人員日後研究台灣年青人網路尋求性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病資訊行爲及健康教育人員設計網路性病與愛滋病毒/愛滋病防治計畫的參考。
Young people are found to be more sexually active and more likely to engage in sexually risky behavior than in the past. Soaring STDs and HIV/AIDS rates among young people have consequently raised their concerns about STDs and HIV/AIDS infection. Given the fact that seeking information on the Internet is interactive, anonymous and timely, young people who are Internet savvy and dependent may bypass traditional channels and turn to the Internet for STDs and HIV/AIDS information. This study, therefore, attempts to develop an integrated model for investigating factors influencing young people's STDs and HIV/AIDS information seeking on the Internet based on the fi9dings of studies conducted in American. The integrated model addresses the roles that the social context, personal factors (e.g., demographics, direct experience of a disease/illness, salience, beliefs, attitude toward a behavior, perceived sufficiency of information, and personality traits), and information-seeking motives related to Internet characteristics and online STDs and HIV/AIDS information may play in determining young people's online STDs and HIV/AIDS information seeking. Through the exploration of how factors influence health information seeking among young people in America, this study will help Taiwanese researchers understand online STDs and HIV/AIDS information among young people in Taiwan where online STDs and HIV/AIDS information seeking studies are still insufficient. It will also enhance Taiwanese education administrator', health educators', public health practitioners', and health communication researchers' understanding of STDs and HIV/AIDS information seeking on the Internet among young people, which sequentially reinforces their notions about how to design effective online STDs and HIV/AIDS intervention/education programs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123559
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 9
起始頁: 381
結束頁: 419


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