標題: Out of the Closet and into the Political Arena: Can the Internet Become a Location for Queer Movements?
作者: 張盈堃
Yin-Kun Chang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 同志運動;網路;基進民主;Queer movement;the Internet;Radical democracy
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 許多相關的研究報告早已指出網際網路可以促成酷兒的主體性,也就是,網際網路這個虛擬的空間構成了競逐的場域,在其中可以發展許多論述的實踐。本文也是順應這樣的脈絡與主張,並且把焦點延伸至基進民主與新社會運動等議題的討論。因此,本文主要的關注在於系統性地討論網路是否可以成為社會運動的場所,特別是針對酷兒族群。據此,本文分析以下的問題:首先討論網際網路對社會運動的發展與發聲帶來什麼樣的影響?其次,分析為什麼不論本地或是西方的同志運動總是選擇網路作為其運動的場所?再者,透過網際網路的優勢,是否同志運動的目標足以實現?為了回答這些關切,本文透過台灣同志運動的歷史沿革作為分析的個案,具切地指出網路作為本地同志運動的優勢與缺失,並且進一步提出資本、慣性與同志運動之間的辯證關係。
Many papers have closely examined cyberspace facilitates queer subjectivity. Cyberspace constitutes a contested space in which new discursive practices are developed. This paper follows the previous discussions and focuses on radical democracy and new social movements. Then, this paper discusses mainly whether the Internet can become a location for social movements, particularly for queer folks. I also explores following questions: How will the Internet influence the development of social movements? Why do queer movements do always choose the Internet as their location? Can the goals of these movements be realized through the Internet? To answer these questions, this paper analyzes the case of Taiwan's queer movement case to shed light on potential advantages stemming from the Internet use. Finally, this paper proposes a further question-the relationship among capital, habitus and queer movements.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123572
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 10
起始頁: 165
結束頁: 203
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


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