標題: P2P概念及其社會實踐意義初探
An Investigation on the Social Significance of P2P Technology
作者: 葉允斌
Yuen-Bin Yeh
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 對等互聯網路技術;聰明行動族;哈伯瑪斯;Peer-to-peer;smart mob;J.Habermas
公開日期: 2004
摘要: P2P不僅作為一種網路新型技術,更體現著一種主體「共存」、「共享」的價值。尤其面對經濟力量的干預結果,呈現了一個完全不同於「排他自利性」、「獨享價值」的思考方式,提供主流論述之下,被排除他者一個重新參與論述的機會。筆者於文中並舉以Smart Mobs為例,說明P2P具體的社會實踐作為,認為P2P將有可能帶來一個理想言談情境的可能。
The central idea of this paper is that, P2P is not merely a matter of ”technique,” it also embodies the value of ”co-existence” and ”sharing” of subjects. The mainstream discourse regarding economic intervention overly emphasizes the values of ”exclusionary self-interestness” and ”self-enjoyment,” in so doing the other has been barred from the opportunity of participating the discourse. In this paper, the author takes Smart Mobs as an example to clarify the concrete details of social practice. The author supposes that P2P is potentially able to generate a possible state of ”ideal speech situation.”
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123585
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 7
起始頁: 219
結束頁: 233