Title: 網際民主與審議民主之實踐:資訊化社會的桃花源村?
Cyber-democracy and the Practice of Deliberative Democracy: The Utopia of Informaitonal Society?
Authors: 謝宗學
Tsung-Hsueh Hsieh
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 審議民主;網際民主;科技唯實論;數位落差;理想言談情境;虛擬政治體系;deliberative democracy;cyber-democracy;technorealism;digital divide;ideal speech situation;virtual political system
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 如何致力於民主政治的鞏固與深化,乃是當今民主國家最重要的政治課題之一。本文首先檢閱國內公共行政學者有關如何應用網際網路以增進公民參與的相關文獻,指出其既有研究重點與觀點的限制。繼而釐清所欲實現之理想的政治制度為何?透過何種政策過程?應發揮那些功能與達成何種政治目標?本文揭櫫審議式網際民主的理想,試圖透過對於網際網路的特性,及其所架構的虛擬政治體系的分析,釐清審議式的網際民主之重要活動介面及其結構性要件,以及具體實現可能遭遇的限制和面臨的挑戰。進而以科技唯實主義的觀點,指出具體落實審議式的網際民主所應關注的議題與努力方向。最後,指出資訊化社會猶為一個發展中的過程,也將為公共行政的研究帶來新的課題,咸為我國公共行政學者所應持續關注。
The consolidation and deepening of democracy has long been one of the most important issues in contemporary democratic countries. To view it in more innovative way, we propose a technorealism approach. This paper first reviews the literatures on the subject of how the internet enhance public participationand indicates their focus and limits of research approach. This paper clarifies what the most desirable political institution should be, by what decision making process it operates, and what its functions and attainable goals are. The author will clarify its important activity interfaces and structural requirements for the ideal of deliberative cyberdemocracy. Then, through analyzing internet’s characteristics and virtual political system, I will specify the limits and challenges for this ideal. This paper points out important issues and directions about how to realize the deliberative democracy from the technorealist perspective. Lastly, the constructing of informational society will undoubtedly introduce new issues for the study of public administration.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123621
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 4
Begin Page: 87
End Page: 139
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society