Title: 新科技脈絡下的新聞與公眾竟見:新聞記者的認知觀點
Journalism and Public Opinion in the New Technology Context: From Perspectives of News Reporters' Perceptions
Authors: 楊意菁
Yie-Jing Yang
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 公眾;民意;新聞與公眾;記者調查;網路意見;public;public opinion;journalism and the public;news reporters' survey;internet opinion
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究採用問卷調查訪問212位新聞記者,探討其對新聞與公眾意見、網路使用,以及網路意見認知等問題。研究結果指出,新聞記者對於新聞與公眾意見的看法分為三種概念:分別是「新聞反映民意的公共概念」、「新聞鼓吹的民意概念」以及「新聞與符號公眾的概念」。在網路使用方面,近九成新聞記者曾經引用網路上的資訊;至於新聞記者對於網路意見的看法,則分為「網路意見豐富多元民意」、「網路反映民意」以及「網路意見已成為新聞報導常規」三大面向。
This study adopts questionnaire survey to explore news reporters' perceptions of news and public opinion, and to discuss the reporters' use of the Internet and recognition of the Internet opinion. The reporters' perceptions of news and public opinion were divided into three concepts: the concept of public thinking of news reflecting public opinion, the concept of news advocacy of public opinion, and the concept of semiotic public of public opinion. The news reporters frequently used the Internet to find out information, and almost 90% of the surveyed reporters have quoted the opinions from the Internet. As for the reporters' recognition of Internet opinion, it can be divided into three factors: Internet opinion enriching the diversity of public opinion, Internet opinion reflecting public opinion, and Internet opinion becoming the news reporting rule.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123649
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 28
Begin Page: 105
End Page: 141
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


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