標題: 購物網站的個人化商品資訊服務與社群設計對消費者忠誠度的影響
The Effects of Personalized Merchandise Information Search and Community Design on User Loyalty of Online Shops
作者: 呂雅雯
Ya-Wen Lu
Ruey-Yun Horng
Yau-De Wang
Shih-Huan Hou
Po-Hui Lu
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 網站設計;個人化;商品資訊服務;社群;消費者忠誠度;Website Design;Personalization;Merchandise Information Search;Community;User Loyalty
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 43位參與者以隨機的方式瀏覽四種購物網站,這四種網站分別是依據個人化商品資訊服務的有無,以及社群的有無這兩個變項所設計出來的不同網站。由參與者對這四類網站的忠誠度評量、整體評分、點選次數與瀏覽時間觀察發現,購物網站加入個人化商品資訊服務或社群設計均對提升使用者的忠誠度與評價有助益。由參與者的評語分析發現,個人化、社群兩者提升使用者對購物網站忠誠度的歷程不同,網站加入個人化商品資訊服務可提供資訊搜尋的效率與便利性、讓產品資訊符合使用者需求;使用者社群則透過提供「他人在場」的機會,讓網站使用者有機會與其他消費者互動、交換產品品質資訊,讓使用者對購物網站資訊能夠有一個可信的判斷基礎,進而提高忠誠度。
Forty-three participants were asked to browse four kinds of online shops that varied across two design factors: information service of personalized merchandise and the factor characterized by community. After browsing a website, participants were asked to complete a customer loyalty scale and rate their overall evaluation of the website. The time and number of web pages participant viewed at a website were recorded by the computer system. Results show that either personalized merchandise information search or community design factor may increase users' stay in a website and their loyalty and overall rating of the website. Participants' comments on websites further confirm that personalization gains its advantages through convenience in information search, and the assistance in finding product information relevant to the user's needs. On the other hand, through social presence in the website, virtue community provides opportunity for users to interact with each other and exchange information about quality of products, and thus improves users' trust and loyalty to the website.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123729
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 19
起始頁: 71
結束頁: 100


  1. 20110171100.pdf

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