標題: 資訊科技的權力問題:從網路空間的探問出發談親密歸訓與嵌入性價值的常規化
Power Issues of the Information Technologies: The Intimate Discipline and the Normalization of Value in Cyberspace
作者: 曹家榮
Chia-Rong Tsao
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 資訊科技;網路空間;科技/權力;價值嵌入;常規化;information technologies;cyberspace;technology/power;normalization;value embedded
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本文的主要目的在於探討資訊科技(information technologies)潛在的權力問題,並試圖考察其運作之機制。本文的討論將以網路空間(cyberspace)為主要的對象領域。在本文中,我們首先認為關於科技本身具有的權力問題,乃是Foucault對於現代社會權力問題之剖析中,較為忽略的部分。科技實際上乃是真正地環繞在我們生活之中,潛在的權力運作形式。藉由Heidegger對於技術與現代科技的探問,本文建立起科技/權力在人與科技的存有層次上的理論基礎。科技絕不是單純的手段工具,無論就其是否用以建構權力的局勢而言。科技並不外在於我們自身的存在,在展現我們的生活世界的同時,也同時建構了我們自身的意識與行為模式。因而網路空間中的科技/權力之重要性,在本文看來,並不在於它可能造成的階層對立,而在於它在與人們親密的關係中,常規化了某些價值取向。
This paper discusses the power of the information technologies (ITs) and its mechanism. First of all, we think that Foucault has neglected the power effects of technology in his analysis of the power in modern society. And we actually believe that what the technology executes potentially is power effects. Then we construct the theoretical basis of what we call ”technology/power” through Heidegger's perspective technology. What is technology? Whether it is used to execute power or not it is definitely not just a tool or means. Technology is not external to us. It constructs our consciousness and behavior simultaneously when revealing our live world. Therefore, the significance of the ”technology/power” is the value it normalized through the intimate relation with us rather than the class antagonism it caused.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123762
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 12
起始頁: 179
結束頁: 211