Title: | 網路的新聞再現1994vs2004以聯合報為例 The Representation of News Coverage on Internet: A Comparison of 1994 and 2004 |
Authors: | 劉蕙苓 Huei-Ling Liu Department of Communication and Technology 傳播與科技學系 |
Keywords: | 網路;社會真實建構;再現;框架;Internet;representation;framing;social construction of reality |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 本研究從媒介建構真實理論及框架理論出發,以聯合報為對象,分析1994及2004兩個年度與網路相關之新聞內容,以了解傳統的主流媒體如何再現「網路」。研究結果發現,報紙對「網路」的報導,隨年度不同而有差異。1994年網路剛剛進入台灣社會,報紙的報導集中在「科技」及「財經」類新聞,皆為「正面」評價,將網路與「進歩」「科技」的概念扣聯;2004年網路已散見在各新聞類型中,「犯罪」新聞出現比例最高;且媒體對網路的評價「負面」多於「正面」,負面評價大都出現在社會新聞中。但本研究同時也發現,相對於十年前,2004年的報紙對網路所建構的圖像,已趨於多元而兼具文化與工具性,其中,對於網路的特殊文化現象、網路民主參與等,均佔有一定的篇幅。 This study tried to investigate how newspapers report the news about Internet? ”Media and social construction of reality” and ”framing analysis” can develop a theoretical answer. This study analyzes the news discourse about Internet in 1994 and 2004. The result of the study indicated there were differences in the way of representation in these two years. When the Internet has just entered the society of Taiwan in 1994, the report of the newspaper concentrated on the news of ”science and technology ”and of ”finance and economics, ”they all give Internet a positive evaluation. At that time, Internet means progress and technology. Ten years later, the news about Internet appears on any kind of news categories, when Internet appears on criminal news, it always gets negative evaluation. The study also indicated that news on Internet has been increasingly diversified, and particular cultural phenomena on Internet have been shown on newspaper. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123763 |
Journal: | 資訊社會研究 Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society |
Volume: | 12 |
Begin Page: | 143 |
End Page: | 177 |
Appears in Collections: | 資訊社會研究 |