Title: 從Cyberspace到Cyberworld:科技空間作為每日生活世界的再思考
From Cyberspace to Cyberworld: Toward a Technological Lifeworld Space
Authors: 邱誌勇
Chih-Yung Aaron Chiu
Meng-Yun Hsu
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路世界;生活世界;科技文化;虛擬性愛;Cyberwrold;lifeworld;technoculture;cybersex
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的普及,網路空間不僅早已成為人們日常生活中所無法逃脫的領域,更成為資訊傳播與社會研究中不容忽視的新面向。正因為網路空間擁有異於其他傳播科技的新穎特質,以及它所造就的網路文化,使得網路空間總被賦予了各種想像,甚至認為網路空間將成為人類跳脫物質桎梏的救贖。本文將對這樣的論點進行質問。本文以為:此種將網路空間視為一種救贖論的觀點,其實是來自於一種實在論(realism)的觀點,一種將人視為心與身體相互分離的二元論觀點。本文試圖跳脫心與身體的二元論,改以現象學視野作為切入網路空間的一個視角,並藉著現象學的生活世界觀點,試圖建立一種網路世界(Cyberworld)的顯現。因此,本文希望透過現象學視野的提陳,重新探究虛擬真實;同時將再輔以虛擬性愛(cybersex)作為論述之對象,以理解在虛擬的環境中,人如何藉由身體知覺以完成虛擬的性愛;最後將放大至整個虛擬文化的論述架構中,來理解虛擬世界與真實世界之間如何相互影響,並試圖建構一個超越虛擬世界與真實世界二元劃分的網路世界(Cyberworld),並將網路世界理解為一個人們生活其中的生活世界。
In recent years, the Internet and other information technologies have transformed many fundamental parts of life. The ubiquity of digital data storage, computation, and telecommunication have made us profoundly dependent on computer network whether we realize it or not, enveloping society in what might be termed a ”digital culture. To this extend, this paper is an interrogation into the phenomenon of rapidly developed cyberspace in the age of digital culture. The paper proposes a new way of seeing in light of Maurice Merleau-Pontian Phenomenology to examine the culture of virtual reality. The paper argues that the humankind creates a virtual world in its relationship to what may perceive as part of real. By establishing a new concept of ”cyberworld,” the author examines the embodied relations of virtual technology and bodily perception. This new embodied status of virtual culture, ”cyberworld,” itself has become a part of our daily lives.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123764
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 12
Begin Page: 109
End Page: 141
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society