標題: Building a construction procurement negotiation training game model: Learning experiences and outcomes
作者: Dzeng, Ren-Jye
Lin, Ken-Yu
Wang, Pei-Ru
National Chiao Tung University
公開日期: 1-十一月-2014
摘要: Game-based education is a promising method for encouraging student learning. Although learning construction procurement and negotiation require hands-on practice, in most construction management courses at the college level, this subject is taught by using lectures and case studies. In this study, a construction procurement and negotiation game was developed, and paper-based and web-based versions were implemented. The game enables students to play the role of contractors or suppliers and generate profits by negotiating and procuring or selling reinforcing steel in a simulated market with a probabilistic nature. The experimental results indicate that playing both versions of the game increased student learning motivation, satisfaction and outcomes. Students awarded the web-based game higher assessment scores than they did for the paper-based game. Students playing either version of the game also achieved higher test scores than students who were taught using the traditional approach did. However, for students with work experience, playing the paper-based game resulted in higher scores than the web-based game scores.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12189
ISSN: 0007-1013
DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12189
Volume: 45
起始頁: 1115
結束頁: 1135


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