DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, S. R.en_US
dc.contributor.authorTang, Ping-Hanen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Ten-Mingen_US
dc.description.abstractBy simulating the rigid simple point charge extended model at temperature T = 300 K, the orientational relaxation of the OH-bond in water was investigated over short to intermediate timescales, within which molecules undergo inertial rotation and libration and then enter the rotational diffusion regime. According to the second-cumulant approximation, the orientational time correlation function (TCF) of each axis that is parallel or perpendicular to an OH-bond is related to an effective rotational density of states (DOS), which is determined using the power spectra of angular velocity autocorrelation functions (AVAFs) of the other two axes. In addition, the AVAF power spectrum of an axis was approximated as the rotational stable instantaneous normal mode (INM) spectrum of the axis. As described in a previous study [S. L. Chang, T. M. Wu, and C. Y. Mou, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 3605 (2004)], simulated molecules were classified into subensembles, according to either the local structures or the H-bond configurations of the molecules. For global molecules and the classified subensembles, the simulation results for the first-and second-rank orientational TCFs were compared with the second-cumulant predictions obtained using the effective rotational DOSs and the rotational stable-INM spectra. On short timescales, the OH-bond in water behaves similar to an inertial rotor and its anisotropy is lower than that of a water molecule. For molecules with three or more H-bonds, the OH-bond orientational TCFs are characterized by a recurrence, which is an indication for libration of the OH-bond. The recurrence can generally be described by the second-cumulant prediction obtained using the rotational stable-INM spectra; however, the orientational TCFs after the recurrence switch to a behavior similar to that predicted using the AVAF power spectra. By contrast, the OH-bond orientational TCFs of molecules initially connected with one or two H-bonds decay monotonically or exhibit a weak recurrence, indicating rapid relaxation into the rotational diffusion regime after the initial Gaussian decay. In addition to accurately describing the Gaussian decay, the second-cumulant predictions formulated using the rotational stable-INM spectra and the AVAF power spectra serve as the upper and lower limits, respectively, for the OH-bond orientational TCFs of these molecules after the Gaussian decay. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.en_US
dc.titleLocal structural effects on orientational relaxation of OH-bond in liquid water over short to intermediate timescalesen_US
dc.identifier.journalJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSen_US
dc.contributor.departmentInstitute of Physicsen_US


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