標題: Snug-Vegas and Snug-Reno: efficient mechanisms for performance improvement of TCP over heterogeneous networks
作者: Ho, CY
Chen, YC
Department of Computer Science
公開日期: 1-四月-2006
摘要: Improving the performance of the traditional TCP in wireless IP communications has been an active research area. The significant cause of packet losses in such heterogenous networks is no longer limited to network congestion. The performance degradation of TCP in wireless and wired-wireless hybrid networks is mainly due to its lack of ability to differentiate the packet losses caused by network congestions from the losses caused by wireless link errors. New variants of TCP Vegas and TCP Reno named Snug-Vegas and Snug-Reno, respectively, are proposed. By using random-loss indications marked by base stations, Snug-Vegas and Snug-Reno may detect random packet losses precisely. Through the packet loss differentiation, Snug-Vegas and Snug-Reno react appropriately to the losses, and based on the simulation results, it is seen that the throughput of connection over heterogeneous networks can be significantly improved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/ip-com:20050184
ISSN: 1350-2425
DOI: 10.1049/ip-com:20050184
Volume: 153
Issue: 2
起始頁: 169
結束頁: 176


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