Title: Influences of the backbone randomness on the properties, morphology and performances of the fluorinated benzoselenadiazole-benzothiadiazole based random copolymers
Authors: Chen, Yung-Tsung
Huang, Tzu-Wei
Wang, Chien-Lung
Hsu, Chain-Shu
Department of Applied Chemistry
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Abstract: To investigate the influences of the 5,6-difluoro-benzoselenadiazole : 5,6-difluoro-benzothiadiazole (FBSe : FBT) ratio on the polymer properties, solid-state morphology and device performances, a series of FBSe : FBT based copolymers were synthesized. Copolymers with higher FBSe ratios were found to have narrower E-g, and higher-lying E-HOMO. Because of the size and electronegativity differences of the selenium and sulfur atoms, the FBSe : FBT ratio further affects the structural regularity of the conjugated chains, and their self-assembly behaviors. DSC results indicated that P1, which has the most irregular FBSe : FBT sequence along the backbone showed the lowest T-m. Interestingly, XRD results showed that the main-chain irregularity degrades the order of the lamellar stacking, but not the order of p-stacking. The random ternary copolymers, P1 and P2, possess more ordered pi-stacking than the alternating copolymers, PTh4FBSe and PTh4FBT. The highest OFET mu h of 0.46 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) was delivered by P1, which has the smallest d(pi-pi) among the copolymers. In the polymer : PC71BM blend films, the FBSe containing copolymers have good miscibility in PC71BM. The degree of phase separation of PTh4FBSe : PC71BM can be enhanced by DIO additive, but it is not effective for the random ternary copolymers. The highest PCE of 6.06% with V-oc of 0.64 V, J(sc) of 15.3 mA cm(-2), and FF of 61.8% was delivered by the PTh4FBSe : PC71BM PSCs.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5py00175g
ISSN: 1759-9954
DOI: 10.1039/c5py00175g
Issue: 19
Begin Page: 3728
End Page: 3736
Appears in Collections:Articles