標題: 採用微共振腔結構之非掺雜有機白光電化學元件
Non-Doped Solid-State White Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells Employing Microcavity Effect
作者: 邱至宏
關鍵字: 有機發光電化學;微共振腔;Light emitting electrochemical cells;Microcavity effect
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 由於白光電化學元件具有元件結構簡單、低操作電壓和適用溶液製程的優點,所以已經吸引了許多研究團隊的注意。在此論文中,提供了一個簡單的方法,藉由調整藍光電化學元件主動層厚度來利用微共振腔效應於紅光波段產生建設性干涉,得到白光輸出。並加入金屬薄膜於元件內來改變光學結構改變光色,藉此達到無需依靠摻雜的主客體能量轉換就能得到不同特性的白光。而從本實驗的電性量測中可以得到當出現白光頻譜時,元件的發光效率最高約有5.6 %的外部量子效率以及12.5流明/瓦的功率效率,也證實此非摻雜之手法的確可以得到高效率的白光。
Solid-state white light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) have attracted research attention owing to their advantages of simple device structure, low operation voltage and compatibility with solution processes. In this work, we demonstrate a simple approach to obtain white electroluminescence (EL) from non-doped LECs based on a single blue-emitting complex. With a relatively thicker emissive layer, red emission can be additionally enhanced by microcavity effect when the recombination zone moves to proper positions. Hence, white EL can be harvested by combining blue emission from complex and red emission from microcavity effect. These non-doped white LECs show external quantum efficiencies and power efficiencies up to 5.6% and 12.5 lm W-1, respectively. These results show that efficient white EL can be obtained in simple non-doped LECs.