Title: 張箴言小提琴演奏會 含輔助文件 易沙意《第三號無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲》 之分析與詮釋
JEN-YAN CHANG VIOLIN RECITAL WITH A SUPPORTING PAPER The Analysis and Interpretation on E. Ysaÿe’s Sonata no.3 for Solo Violin
Authors: 張箴言

Keywords: 易沙意;創作手法;無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲;詮釋角度;彈性速度;Ysaÿe;compositional technique;Sonatas for Solo Violin;interpretive insights;rubato
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 易沙意是個同時擁有演奏者與創作者兩個身分的音樂家。雖然音樂史上有不少同時擁有這兩種身分的音樂家,但由於易沙意對無伴奏小提琴作品的貢獻,使得音樂與技巧能夠更好的結合,也使得無伴奏小提琴作品的發展有更多的可能性。不僅僅是在創作上的貢獻,易沙意的演奏風格也奠定了後世小提琴家的典範,廣泛的使用抖音技巧以增加音響的強度與張力的變化,對於彈性速度的原則,也讓演奏者在處理音樂時能夠加合理且平衡。

本論文研究對象為作品 27 的六首無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲中的第三號奏鳴曲,樂曲的標題為《敘事曲》(Ballade),題獻給小提琴家安奈斯庫(Georges Enesco, 1881-1955),是一首內容富於變化且充滿高度技巧性發展的樂曲。研究方法包含三個面向:從創作手法與素材、演奏詮釋角度以及易沙意特有的彈性速度權勢來做研究與分析,希望從中得到不同的啟發,使得在詮釋上能更有深度。
Ysaÿe is the both a performer and composer. Although there has never been short of such multifaceted musician in the musical history, Ysaÿe's contribution to the repertory of unaccompanied violin works both combines the violinistic technique and musical content better and opens up more possibilities to the development of unaccompanied violin works. His contribution is not only limited to the work itself but his performing style also sets an example for violinists of later generations. He used the technique of vibrato to enhance the strength of sound and variability of tension, and his principles of using rubato endows performers a more reasonable and balanced interpretation.

This supporting document focuses on Ysaÿe's Sonata No.3 entitled "Ballade" from his Six Sonatas for Solo Violin, Op.27, dedicated to violinist Georges Enesco (1881-1955). The sonata is highly varied in musical content and is full of technical development. The methods of this study is threefold: research and analysis from the compositional techniques and materials, from the interpretive insights of performers and from Ysaÿe's unique use of rubato, in the hope of obtaining different inspirations and an interpretation more in depth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis