標題: 以多組成反應合成多取代環戊烯及靛紅衍生物之方法探討
Study of Multicomponent Reaction Methodology Toward Synthesis of Multisubstituted Cyclopentenes and Isatin Derivatives
作者: 宋士平
Sung, Shih-Ping
Chuang, Shih-Ching
關鍵字: 多組成反應;反麥可加成;伊立德結構;靛紅;Multicomponent Reactions;anti-Michael Addition;Ylides;Isatins
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 三級膦的化合物與不對稱烯炔和苯亞甲基丙二腈進行一鍋化的反應,三級膦會優先攻打參鍵上的alpha位,共振產生一delta位帶負電荷的兩性離子,之後進行環化反應,形成三組成反應的產物。經過氫譜、碳譜、磷譜、紅外線光譜、質譜和單晶繞射的鑑定,則可驗證出此結構帶有伊立德結構,為了提升對這類多組成反應的產率及探討其取代基的影響,嘗試著使用不同的反應條件與改變不同的反應物取代基。另一方面,利用靛紅、對稱雙炔、三級膦和水的一鍋化反應,三級膦先打在對稱雙炔的alpha位,共振產生一delta位帶負電荷的兩性離子,接著對靛紅親核攻擊,再由醋酸水溶液中止反應,可得到四組成反應的產物。由於許多的天然物都含有為靛紅其骨架,因此這類的合成策略將可應用在天然物的合成上。
In this study, we used phosphine, (E)-dimethyl hex-2-en-4-ynedioate and benzylidenemalononitrile to obtain the dicyanocyclopentene bearing ylide functionality. We characterized these products by 1H, 13C, 31P, IR, Mass and X-ray diffraction analyses. These readily available structures may be adventageous to the total synthesis of molecules having this moiety. The other study, We obtained isatin- derivative bearing -ylide in one pot and characterized them by NMR, IR, MS and X-ray diffraction analyses. To optimize and discuss the effects substituent effects, we study reactions under different conditions and replace different reactants in this four-component reactions. Such synthetic methodology can be used to synthesize nature products because lots of nature compounds bear isatin skeleton.
Appears in Collections:Thesis