标题: 于教学互动中侦测学生心流状态:以线性代数教学系统为例
Detecting Flow of Students During Pedagogical Interaction: Taking Linear Algebra Tutor as an Example
作者: 郑欣宇
Jheng, Shin-Yu
Hsiao, Tzu-Chien
关键字: 心流;智慧型教学系统;Flow;Intelligent tutoring system
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 过去有许多的研究指出,专注力有助于学生的学习。由 Csikszentmihalyi 所提出的心流理论恰好与专注力有所相关,此理论认为专注力的高低与学生在学习过程中所感受到的挑战难度以及自身的技能有相关,只有当挑战与技能达成平衡时,才会达到所谓的心流状态,此时才会有较好的专注力。本研究的目的为设计一个以线性代数为主题的教学活动让学生参与其中,并在过程中了解学生的心流状态,而教学的环境则是采用智慧型教学系统-电脑辅助的方式经由网页达到一对一的教学。此外,亦纪录学生与系统互动所产生的资讯用以之后的分析并使用机器学习的技术找出与心流相关的属性和模型。结果也显示,学生的心流状态也
Many researchers indicate that the engagement helps learning better for students. Csikszentmihalyi proposed the flow theory is related with the engagement. The theory describes that the level of optimal experience depend on the students who perceived challenge of the task and their own skill. When the challenge and skill get balanced, student will be in flow and keep complete absorption or engagement in learning. This study design a scenario of pedagogical activity for students by a tutoring system and detect their flow condition during learning activity. The system take one to one tutoring
by computer through the network. The information that students interact with system is also recorded for analyzing and modeling by machine learning technique. The finding of the relationship between mouse click duration and flow conditions also suggests that the students’ usage of standard input devices is a feature which may contain abundant information for developing future flow model.