標題: 罪惡感、淨化與超越:女性向色情影片的性別顛覆潛能
Guilt, Purification and Transcendence: The Agency of Gender Subversion in Female-Friendly Porn.
作者: 陳雅雯
Chen, Ya-Wen
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 色情影片;性別操演;戲劇理論;五因分析;性慾能動性;pornography;gender;gender performativity;dramatism;pentad;redemption
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 色情影片作為情慾發聲的形式之一,其消費與生產場域長久以來以男性為主要考量,女性不被社會賦予談論、消費與享受色情的資格。然而,其作為大量生產與銷售的文化工業,近年來始拓展以女性為目標族群的情慾素材–女性向色情影片,聲稱由女性觀點出發,產製女性所欲消費的情慾媒介。本研究從女性情慾發聲觀點切入,分別從文本與閱聽人兩個層面進行研究。文本層面以戲劇理論作為分析架構,歸納與整理女性向色情影片的操作機制與模式,接續深度訪談女性閱聽人,藉由主體過去的情慾媒介消費經驗為基礎,整理與總結女性情慾在當代社會中的模樣與論述機制,並同時檢視女性向色情影片在實踐的過程中,是否具有其聲稱的顛覆性。 本研究結果發現,女性向色情影片的本質雖顛覆了「女性不得接觸情慾」的社會禁忌,但同時文本內卻再製父權體系下異性戀霸權的性別刻板,文本中女性差異的缺席,顯示再現的選擇必然牽涉社會既存的權力關係。女性向色情影片定位的「曖昧性」,不只存在於文本中敘事手法的安排,亦存在閱聽人的詮釋與解讀,顯示女性向色情影片並未具備足夠撼動性別混淆與反思的能力。另一方面,當代社會對於女性情慾的沈默,促使情慾論域裡詮釋社群的消失,因此,女性主體的情慾媒介探索以及情慾談論本身在當代社會情境即構成部分的顛覆,撼動既存的性別規範,而每一次的微小顛覆,都將成為女性情慾主體建置的養分。
Women used to be eliminated by the discourse of pornography. Thus, the expression of women’s sexual desire and pleasure are usually silenced. Recently, there is a new genre of porn coming up with women-oriented direction, claiming that not only do the porn from the perspective of women, but also be dominated by women. The Female-friendly porn breaks the boundaries which women are forbidden to talk about sex. This research focuses on the agency of gender subversion in female porn, drawing from the notion of Burke’s dramatism and Butler’s gender performativity. This article uses the pentad analysis and the in-depth interview to study the discourse in female-friendly porn and the reception of female audience. The research revealed that female-friendly porn could be considered to be a result that female sex started to show in main- stream media. However, the female-friendly porn still duplicates the gender role of heterosexual hegemony. Moreover, the silence of sexual discourses in society makes the interpretive communities disappear, but the active consciousness of female sex are struggling in this new era, trying to subversion, confuse, and blur the gender boundaries, and making the whole society step into introspection.
Appears in Collections:Thesis