標題: 迷的觀光凝視:探討哈日族與日劇景點之想像與實踐
Fan's Tourist Gaze: The research on the Japan drama, tourist spots, and Japanophile’s imagination and practice
作者: 詹欣茹
Chan, Hsin-Ju
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 哈日族;觀光凝視;文化全球化;生活風格;文化消費;Japanophile;Tourist Gaze;Cultural Globalization;Lifestyle;Cultural Consumption
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 日本影劇文化自1990年代起,在台灣媒體中大量播送,「哈日族」成為台灣特殊文化族群,亦促進日本觀光旅遊的興盛。日戲與迷群之間的關係十分緊密,成為哈日族日常生活的延伸,更重要的是,日劇拍攝景點成為迷群的朝聖之地。日戲給予迷群視覺上的異國想像,而前往日本觀光旅遊,即為迷群實際的異國體驗。本研究以「觀光凝視」、「文化全球化」及「迷文化」作為主要理論基礎,採取深度訪談為主、文本分析為輔的研究方法,針對16位哈日族/日劇迷/部落客進行訪談,探索迷在影視觀光的過程,其中隱含的迷群文化實踐。 研究發現有四,第一,媒體引發哈日風潮,帶動日本文化消費空間。對於哈日族而言,日本不僅是國家名稱,而是構成生活風格的代名詞,認同因而產生。第二,哈日族觀看日劇、想像日本、前往日本觀光。尚未踏上日本前,上網搜尋觀光資訊、觀看他人旅遊經驗,透過網路經歷一場虛擬旅行。網路空間的交流,強化哈日族對日本的美好印象,也主導出獨特的觀光地圖。第三,迷與影視旅遊之間的意義可分為「主動選擇」、「強化認同」、「賦予意義」、「形成生活風格」四階段。第四,媒體文本是人與世界關係的重新定義,人為了尋求解脫、滿足渴望,透過閱讀文本,抒發現實不滿、移情滿足渴求。儘管哈日族喜愛並認同日本文化,前往旅遊是生活必備,然而哈日族不僅凝視日本、凝視自己,同時也凝視台灣。
Japan's drama culture is so popular in Taiwan since the 1990s. "Japanophile" has become a special cultural group in Taiwan, but also to promote the rise of the Japanese tourist. Relationship between the Japan drama and the fan is closely. The drama became an extension of Japanophile everyday life. The drama's shooting location is also the fan group's pilgrimage place. The Japan drama give the fan an exotic visual imagination, and the fan go to Japan for traveling, it is the actual exotic experience. In this study, "tourist gaze", "cultural globalization" and "fan culture" as the main theoretical basis. The in-depth interview and text analysis were used as the research method. This study is exploring the fans in the process of film tourism, which implies a fan base cultural practices. The findings of this study are that, firstly, for Japanophile is concerned, Japan is not only a national name, but constitute a synonym for life style. Secondly, cyberspace communication strengthen Japanophile with a good impression of Japan, also led a unique tourist map. Thirdly, the significance between fans and film tourism can be divided into "active choice", "to strengthen the identity," "give meaning", "form a life style" in four phases. Fourthly, the media text is redefining the relationship between human and the world. People seek relief in order to meet the desire by reading the text, expressing dissatisfaction with reality, and hoping Japanophile to find self.