標題: 黃詠恩小提琴 畢業演奏會 含輔助資料 畢業演奏會錄音與樂曲解說以及室內樂演奏會錄音
Yong-En Huang graduate violin recital with a supporting documents recording and program notes of the graduate recital and the recording of the chamber recital
作者: 黃詠恩
Huang, Yong-En
Lee, Juin-Ying
關鍵字: 貝多芬;薩拉沙泰;德弗札克;史特拉汶斯基;Beethoven;Sarasate;Dvořák;Stravinsky
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本文以貝多芬第八號小提琴奏鳴曲(作品三十之三)、薩拉沙泰《浮士德》幻想曲、德弗札克四首浪漫小品(作品七十五)和史特拉汶斯基二重協奏曲為對象,經由理解作曲家個人生平與創作特質,以及與該作品創作相關聯的歷史背景與文本,以探究演奏者和聆賞者如何掌握這些作品的重點。 文中每首樂曲解說將分別介紹 (1)作曲家創作該樂曲時的生平紀要、創作分期特色與該樂曲創作背景 (2)樂曲重要動機及其發展手法與樂曲結構特徵 (3)樂曲特色與詮釋重點(或聆賞重點)。
This document is the program notes of Beethoven's Violin Sonata No. 8 in G Major, Op. 30 No. 3, Sarasate's Fantasy on Gounod's "Faust", Op. 13, Dvořák's Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op.75 and Stravinsky's Duo Concertante for Violin and Piano. By discussing the composers' lives and composition styles, the historical context when the pieces were written and sources by which the pieces were inspired, this document is going to talk about the important ideas which both performers and listeners can grasp of these pieces. In each program note, information on these points are discussed in order: (1) composer's life story and composition period during the piece was written; (2) themes, ways of developing the ideas, and form and structure of the piece; (3) composition traits and suggestions for interpretation and appreciation of the piece.