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dc.description.abstract網際網路帶來豐富的資訊與無遠弗屆的溝通管道,養成網路使用者習慣仰賴網際網路的方便性。然而,相關文獻指出,網路釣魚攻擊往往是網路使用者所忽視的議題。目前網路釣魚攻擊以社群網站作為攻擊據點成為新興的途徑,基於社群網站廣大的用戶,以及網路使用者的心態與習性,誘使網路使用者成為網路釣魚攻擊事件的受害者。然而,網路上偵測網路釣魚攻擊事件的工具,其防禦效果並不彰顯,因此,需要透過完整的教育訓練教授使用者正確網路釣魚攻擊概念與防禦網路釣魚攻擊的辦法,使其具備基本防禦網路釣魚攻擊事件之能力。 本研究以臺灣地區,某國小110位學生作為研究對象,透過教材Log、社群網站釣魚知識試題、心流狀態量測問卷,以及悅趣式反釣魚教材進行施測。本研究透過記錄學習者的行為,利用序列分析法探索學習者的行為模式,用以比較不同心流體驗的學習者在悅趣式反釣魚教材環境上學習的行為模式與學習成效表現差異。研究結果發現,本研究之悅趣式反釣魚教材雖仍須改進 ,仍具備學習成效 ,使大部分的學習者體驗心流,透過遊戲→遊戲的行為模式在錯誤中學習反釣魚知識。 本研究建議,未來從事悅趣式教材開發與教育之研究者 ,可由二面向提升悅趣式反釣魚教材之教育價值,其一為提升悅趣式教材之內容,藉由提升悅趣式反釣魚教材之教學內容與悅趣性,使學習者樂衷於閱讀,透過教材得到更多網路釣魚攻擊的知識,提升學習者的學習成效,並適時增加遊戲挑戰的難度,使學習者樂衷於遊戲,在遊戲過程中,獲取知識;其二為改善學習者之學習行為,在學習者進入課程後,引導學習者進行閱讀教材,透過完整的教育課程,瞭解遊戲任務內容,並在進入遊戲後,鼓勵焦慮與無聊的學習者與同儕間互動,討論問題,進行交流與思考,降低焦慮學習者的焦慮感,增加無聊學習者的參與感,藉此幫助學習者體現心流,提升學習成效,增進教材之教育價值。本研究結果希望能作為悅趣式學習課程與悅趣式教材開發相關研究或教學者之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe popularity of the Internet have provided users abundant information and easy access to communicate with each other, and therefore Internet users rely on it heavily. However, research showed that the consequences of the phishing attacks are often underestimated by the Internet users. In recent years, social networking sites (SNS) have become the new bases of phishing attacks. Because of the large population in SNS and the users’ attitude toward the Internet usage, SNS users are at a high risk of phishing attacks. The anti-phishing tools available on the current market are not effective enough to stop the attacks, so the development of the anti-phishing training and strategies become an important topic. The purpose of this study was to apply lag sequential analysis to explore the influence of game-based learners’ behavioral patterns on flow experience and learning performance. Participants were 110 students from an elementary school in Taiwan. System logs of the anti-phishing instructional materials, participants’ scores on the flow scale, their anti-phishing performance in SNS and the anti-phishing instructional materials in a game-based learning environment were analyzed. Learners’ behaviors were logged and coded. The sequential analyses were conducted to explore the students’ learning behavioral patterns in the game-based learning environment. The learning behavior patterns were compared to their learning performance among students with different flow experiences. Results revealed that although the anti-phishing instructional materials should be further modified, these students still performed positively and had flow experience. The learners applied the trial and error strategy and followed the “Gaming → Gaming” pattern when they were reading the anti-phishing instructional materials. The findings of this study suggest that educators, course developers and instructors may increase the value of the anti-phishing instructional materials in the following two ways. The first way is to improve the materials, making them more interesting and richer in content. In this way, learners can enjoy reading and learning; they could also gain more knowledge about phishing attacks. It should be noted that the difficulty levels of the challenging game had to be increased gradually so that the students can find it challenging and appealing every time they try it. Secondly, it is important for learners to have ideal learning behavioral patterns. When the course begins , the instructions should be provided to guide learners to finish the materials and help them to understand the process of the challenging game. After the game starts, the learners who feel anxious or bored should be encouraged to interact and discuss with peers, and review the answers. By reducing learners’ anxiety and boredom, their flow experiences should be enhanced, which may in turn increase the learning outcomes and enhance the educational value of the instructional materials. The findings of this study may serve as references for course designers of game-based learning and relevant researchers and educators.en_US
dc.subjectGame-based learningen_US
dc.subjectBehavioral patternsen_US
dc.subjectFlow experienceen_US
dc.subjectSequential analysisen_US
dc.titleExplore anti-phishing game-based learners’ sequential behavioral patterns, flow experience, and learning performanceen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis