標題: 離家之路或返鄉之途:從尖石鄉道路發展探討空間中的權力關係
A Road of Leaving Home or Going Home: The Space and Power Relation of the Jianshih Road Development.
作者: 方孔伶
Fang, Kong-Ling
Chuang, Ya-Chung
關鍵字: 尖石鄉;道路;國家;資本;Jianshih,;locals;space;national;Capitalists
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 筆者嘗試從尖石鄉道路發展歷程中,去理解尖石鄉在國家、資本及居民這三種多重角色作用在尖石鄉發展之中的權力關係。居民的產業結構隨著道路的發展面臨劇烈變化,從挑夫、小額資本到大型資本的進駐,道路開通,帶來了人與資本,其中國家一直在尖石鄉的發展中拉扯。我從多重角力的權力關係,去看國家權力如何影響尖石鄉發展,當國家開始以「理性」規劃作用到尖石鄉居民生活空間中,在地的居民如何與國家抗衡與服膺;從道路的修築變化,承載的交通工具也改變,看資本家透過何種契機進入部落,進而影響著部落居民的產業發展及空間生活;當居民的生活空間因為道路的改變,如何與國家、資本發對話,操作在日常生活的空間脈絡,歷經時空壓縮,情感的距離並無隨著時間而縮短。筆者將藉由三種角色進行訪談:從國家執政者角色,如訪談鄉長、鄉公所人員,理解國家權力如何主導尖石鄉的發展;透過資本家的進出部落,如部落雜貨店、其他產業,如何改變尖石鄉居民的生活空間;最後訪談當地居民,從不同年齡層的居民訴說描繪出尖石鄉空間發展過程的全貌。尖石鄉的道路在1979年才完成全鄉全線通車,雖然已開闢一條可以貫穿整個尖石鄉的道路,但在開闢的過程受到國家與資本家的拉扯,直至1995年尖石鄉才鋪設好柏油道路汽車可以比較容易行駛,從尖石鄉道路發展,去理解部落發展與保存的兩難,嘗試找出尖石鄉未來發展的契機。
In this research, I analyze interactions and politics among the government, capitalism and local residents in order to answer my research: how Jianshih has been developed based on social factors. The development of Jianshih has changed the it’s life style and industrial structure rapidly. The roads in Jianshih had been built since 1979. However, the constructions of its roads completed in 1995. In this period, the interactions among the government, locals and capitalists influenced the constructions. While the first road built, it brings capital and people. The government’s role was ambiguous. However, after the government decides to involve in, the rationality of development is the main guide for the government. Therefore, this story reveals the physical change of Jianshih, the change of preference of transportation, the invasion of capitalists, and so on. Meanwhile, those changes and invasion reshape the local residents’ life and their physical space. My interviewees can be divided three categories: national executors, capitalists and locals. By interviewing the national executors, I can analyze how government pinpoints the importance of Jianshih. Capitalists could explain how capitalism changes Jianshih. Local residents indicates the historical changes.