標題: 應用速度規於偵測車輛內部有無人體生命跡象系統之研發
Development of vital signs detection system in vehicles with velocity sensors
作者: 劉志傑
Liu, Chih-Chieh
Tsai, Jia-Lin
Hung, Ching-Hua
關鍵字: 生命訊號;速度規;抗噪;非自發性人體振動;vital signs;velocity sensor;noise cancellation;Ballistocardiac effect
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究針對檢測車體內是否存在生命振動訊號提出一可行的檢測系統、量測流程,以及抗環境干擾噪的方法。在檢測系統的感測器選用中,由於速度規具有便利性及擷取振動訊號的高精確度,所以本研究採用速度規來擷取藏匿於車體中的非自發性人體振動訊號。另外,為了消除量測環境下的地面震動干擾,本研究提出兩種方法進行減噪處理,並比較兩種方法的抗噪特性。抗噪的量測方法為在極端干擾的環境下,利用額外的地面速度感測器擷取地面干擾訊號,再藉由地面訊號與車體訊號的關係,重建車體系統的動態特性,以推估地面震動傳遞至車體的振動響應,最後再將此推估的車體響應訊號從系統量測訊號中予以扣除,進而達到系統之抗干擾特性。此完整的檢測系統與量測流程的可行性已於多種車型及多種干擾地環境中完成驗證,所獲得之偵測結果及實驗方法將提供未來拓展檢測至其他車型及應用於其他量測環境之一標準流程及參考。
This study provides a practical procedure and a noise immunity method for detecting the vital signs of a person in a vehicle. Velocity sensors that are convenient and accurate at acquiring data are adopted to detect the involuntary body vibrations called Ballistocardiac effect. Two kinds of methods have been proposed and compared to reduce the ground noise effects when the experiments were conducted in extreme environments. During the experiments, a ground sensor are also used to measure the vibrations of ground surface for calculating the vehicle body response. The complete detecting system and signal processing method are verified through the experiments conducted with various types of vehicles and environments. The experiment results also provides a standard procedure to process the signals measured from other types of vehicles.