Title: 組織公民行為的預測:道德領導與職場嫉妒之作用
Predictors of organizational citizenship behavior: Ethical leadership and workplace jealousy
Authors: 宋文娟
Sung, Wen-Chuan
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 知覺道德領導;職場嫉妒;組織公民行為;醫院員工;perceived ethical leadership;workplace jealousy;organizational citizenship behavior;hospital personnel
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究是衡量知覺道德領導、職場嫉妒與組織公民行為的關係,組織公民行為又區分為利他的組織公民行為及與利組織的組織公民行為來探討。本調查共收集了台灣33家醫院的491位員工及同事的配對問卷。員工自評問卷是由員工自己評估其知覺道德領導及職場嫉妒,同事他評問卷是由同事來評估該名員工的利他及利組織的組織公民行為。假說驗證發現,員工的知覺道德領導對職場嫉妒具有負向影響;職場嫉妒對利他的組織公民行為及利組織的組織公民行為具有負向影響;職場嫉妒會作為知覺道德領導對利他及利組織的組織公民行為之部分中介;除此之外,知覺道德領導對職場嫉妒與利人及利組織的組織公民行為關係具調節作用。本研究的貢獻在於實證知覺道德領導、職場嫉妒與組織公民行為的關係。依據這些結果,說明對學術與管理實務意涵,期盼能做為員工組織公民行為管理之參考。
This study examined the relationships of perceived ethical leadership, workplace jealousy, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) directed at individuals (OCBI) and organizations (OCBO). Survey responses were collected from 491 employee-coworker pairs from 33 hospitals in Taiwan. The employees provided assessments of their perceived ethical leadership and the workplace jealousy they experienced, while the coworkers provided information about the employees’ OCBI and OCBO. In the hypotheses testing, perceived ethical leadership was found to be negatively related to employees’ workplace jealousy and jealousy was negatively related to their OCBI and OCBO. Workplace jealousy partially mediated the effect of ethical leadership on OCBI and OCBO. In addition, perceived ethical leadership was found to have a moderation effect on the jealousy-OCBI/OCBO relationship. This study contributes to the literature of ethical leadership as well as the literature of OCB by relating workplace jealousy to OCB and by making sense of the effects of ethical leadership on OCB through the mediation of jealousy and through the moderation of ethical leadership on the jealousy-OCB relationship.
Appears in Collections:Thesis