標題: 台灣光通訊製造廠之產能規劃決策
Analysis of Capacity Planning for a Taiwan Optical Communication Company
作者: 林善永
Lin, Shan-Yung
關鍵字: 產能規劃;光通訊產業;光通訊收發模組;Capacity Planning;OpticalCommunication Industry;Transceiver
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究源自於光通訊產業中『光通訊收發模組』之個案公司,探討其生產製造之產能規劃問題,特別是總體規劃(aggregate planning)產線生產排程的部份。一直以來都是依據過往的經驗值試算,規畫產線生產排程。往往並未確實地全盤考慮到各種不同影響生產的因素,進行整體的最佳化規劃。 本研究整理了個案中影響生產的相關因素,歸納出涵蓋「產能類別」、「訂單類型」、「產品種類」、「生產型態」四大構面的架構,並以此為基礎發展一以線性規劃為基礎的規劃方法,能有效且快速的協助決策者決定各產品在各週的生產數量,以使得產能能充分利用、利潤能最大化。
This thesis work origins from a real case in a Taiwan optical communication company. The capacity related decisions, including aggregate planning, in the case company are very complex, but conventionally are determined based on the experience. This work investigates all factors related to the decisions, and proposes a framework to analyze the problems. A linear programming based model to determine optimal weekly production quantities of individual products is also proposed. The proposed framework gives the decision makers a clearer picture of the problem. The case study shows the proposed model is efficient and effective in relevant decision making.