標題: 高齡者行動自主之輔具創作
Design of Mobility Aid for Older Adults
作者: 吳尚哲
Chuang, Ming-Cheng
關鍵字: 高齡者;行動輔具;輔具設計;情感體驗;生態學設計論;older adult;mobility aid;mobility aid design;emotional experience;ecological design
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 由於人口老化,行動不便的人增加,現有的行動輔具卻設計不足。因此,許多高齡者縱使行動不便,仍不願使用輔助行走的產品。 本創作研究以生態學設計論為背景,其包含探討環境與社會對使用者生理與心理的影響,檢視現有輔具,進行文獻探討、專家訪談、隨行觀察、隱匿觀察與姿勢研究,並提出一關係模型與設計檢核表,供創作與後續研究參考。 本創作研究概念跳脫過往行動輔具的傳統架構與造形,去除現有行動輔具的刻板印象,讓使用者能自在地行走與提升生活品質,其經由語意研究、1:1使用空間測試、機構作動模擬與組裝測試,逐步展開設計。 本創作研究成果之行動輔具讓使用者1.能有開闊的視野、2. 能自在地生活、3.可舒適操作、4.能去最想去的地方與5.可看見一樣的自己,進而使高齡者增加行動輔具使用意願與擁有更好的行動輔具使用情感體驗。
Many older adults with mobility difficulty are unwilling to use mobility aids due to the inadequacy in their designs. Based on ecological design this study investigated the influence of environment and society on physical and physiological change of users. The methods included literature review, expert interview, shadowing, fly-on-the-wall observation, and posture study. An affective model and a design checklist were concluded for further design and research. The design aimed to erase the stereotype of ordinary mobility aids, allow users to walk agilely, and enhance the quality of their life. The design process included semantic analysis, 1:1 prototyping, mechanism and assembly simulations, step by step. The achieved design of mobility aid let users 1.have a wider view, 2.live freely, 3.comfortably manipulate it, go anywhere they want, and 5.be looked equally to healthy people. Conclusively, it can provide users a better emotional experience and increase their willingness to use mobility aids.