標題: 行動裝置搭載擴增實境 App 的呈現方式對國小學童空間旋轉的學習成效、認知負荷與情境興趣影響
Effect of Presentation Styles of a Mobile Augmented Reality App on Elementary Students' Learning Achievement of Spatial Rotation, Cognitive Load and Situational Interest
作者: 陳彥儒
Chen, Yen-Ju
Chen, Chao-Hsiu
關鍵字: 行動裝置;擴增實境;空間旋轉;認知負荷;情境興趣;mobile devices;augmented reality;spatial rotation;cognitive load;situational interest
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究利用行動裝置搭載擴增實境 App,探討不同呈現方式對國小學童空間旋轉的學習成效、認知負荷與情境興趣的影響。本研究採用準實驗設計,以班級為單位進行施測,將國小高年級兩個班級分配為擴增實境組,另兩個班級為 3D View 組,進行空間旋轉能力訓練,輔以空間旋轉能力測驗試題、認知負荷量表以及情境興趣量表,用以探討此兩種呈現方式對學童學習成效、認知負荷與情境興趣是否具有差異。 由研究結果得知,以擴增實境或 3D 呈現效果進行訓練與操作,皆能顯著提升學生的空間旋轉能力,其中又以擴增實境的效果有較佳的表現;而不同呈現方式對學生的認知負荷程度沒有影響,兩組學生無論在測驗階段或訓練階段的認知負荷皆無差異;另外,兩組的情境興趣也無顯著差異。 建議未來研究可以綜合利用不同評測主軸進行空間能力的測量,較能涵蓋與解釋整體的空間能力概念,也較能代表受測者真實的空間能力水準。另外,擴增實境技術應用愈趨多元,能將之運用在不同科目或領域上,或以不同訓練方式及調整測量階段,以利全面性了解學生是否完整吸收內化為自身能力。
The study employs an augmented-reality App to train elementary students’ spatial rotation ability and investigates the effect of different presentation styles on students’ learning performance of spatial rotation, on their cognitive load, and on their situational interest of the training experiences. Based on the quasi-experimental design, four 5 th - and 6 th -grade classes were divided into two groups (i.e., the Augmented-Reality group and the 3D-View group) to train the spatial rotation ability. Instruments including the spatial-rotation test, the cognitive-load scale, and the situational-interest scale were used to evaluate the students’ learning performance, cognitive load, and situational interest. The two groups of students significantly improved their performance of spatial rotation after the training, and the Augmented-Reality group presented higher improvement than the 3D-View group. The two groups showed no significant difference in cognitive load no matter at the testing stage or at the training stage. Also, the two groups show no difference in their situational interest. It is suggested future research test different facets of spatial ability except the spatial rotation so more compressive spatial ability of students can be adequately evaluated. Additionally, various augmented-reality applications of different topics and areas can be developed, and different training and testing methods could be employed to understand how students learn with the assistance of the new applications.