標題: 以品質缺口模式探討ERP供應商維護服務品質之研究
Applying Service Quality Gap Theory to Investigate ERP Maintenance Service Quality
作者: 凌啟堯
關鍵字: ERP;軟體維護;品質缺口;PZB;SERVQUAL;ERP;Software Maintenance;Service Gap;PZB;SERVQUAL
公開日期: 2015
摘要: ERP系統是當前臺灣企業不可或缺的系統之一,ERP系統的穩定與企業運作息息相關,然而,在ERP系統完成建置進入維護階段時,企業高層管理者常會認為付出的維護費用沒有效益,企業內部資訊人員則期望透過原廠提供的維護服務降低風險,而ERP供應商則依賴維護服務收入來投入軟體的維護服務及後續版本的開發,這樣的矛盾普遍存在於臺灣的企業。 服務品質對服務業而言是相當重要的一項績效衡量指標,如何提昇服務品質對服務業而言是一大挑戰。本研究應用PZB三位學者提出的品質缺口模式搭配SERVQUAL量表,藉由探討企業資訊人員對ERP供應商維護服務的期望服務水準和認知服務水準之間的差異,來衡量ERP供應商維護服務品質,同時再探討企業特性變數在期望服務水準、認知服務水準及認知服務品質的差異。研究結果顯示企業資訊人員對ERP供應商維護服務的期望服務水準和認知服務水準有顯著差異。部份企業特性變數在期望服務水準、認知服務水準及認知服務品質有顯著差異存在。 本研究結果期望能夠提供ERP供應商作為提昇服務品質與定價策略的參考,也提供企業在做購買維護服務決策的依據,期望達到企業、企業內部資訊人員與ERP廠商三贏的局面。
Currently in Taiwan, ERP system is one of indispensable systems in industry. The stability of ERP system is closely related to every respect of operations in corporates.But after implementing of ERP and entering the phase of maintenance, corporate executives usually believe no significant effectiveness from spending on signing maintenance contract. Corporate information technology related personnels like MIS department manager or system analysts would expect the original system manufacture to provide the maintenance service to lower the risk of any system downtime.However, the supplier of ERP is relying on the income of maintenance service to order to invest in the service of software maintenance and the new version development. These contradictions exist regularly in Taiwan’s industry. Service quality is a significant key performance indicator for service industry and how to elevate the service quality is a big challenge. This research applies quality gap model and SERVQUAL measuring scales which are developed from American scholars, 'Parsu' Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml and Len Berry (PZB), in 1988. With the investigation on the gap between the expectation and perception of corporate information technology personnel on maintenance service level from ERP supplier for maintenance service quality, this research at same time further examines the corporate’s characteristics between the gaps of expected service level, perceived service level ad the perceived service quality. We find that some of enterprise characteristics have significant difference among expected service level, perceived service level ad the perceived service quality. The expectation of this research result is to provide ERP supplier reference on elevating service quality and price strategy and also provide corporate reference on purchasing decision on maintenance service contract to reach the win-win situation for corporate executives, corporate information technology personnels and the ERP suppliers.