Title: 精品價值的感知與心理距離的調節效果對於精品消費行為的影響
Luxury Value Perception and Moderating Effect of Psychological Distance in Response to Luxury Buying Behavior
Authors: 王薇絜
Wang, Wei-Chieh
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 精品;精品知覺價值;解釋水平理論;心理距離;Luxury Brand;Luxury Value Perception;Construal Level Theory;Psychological Distance
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近幾年來,精品市場快速地成長,而消費客群也不再侷限於富有人家,精品象徵著奢華與身分地位,致使許多消費者產生炫耀性的消費。以往的人們總是喜愛貪小便宜,但面對精品時卻願意花大把鈔票。
In recent years, the luxury goods market grows fast. With the craze of luxury buying, today not only aristocrats but also the population that desire to own conspicuous products are included in the consumer groups. In that, the kinds of luxury consumers become more diverse than before. People always love the cheaper products, but they still are willing to pay a lot of money to buy luxury goods.

In this study, we introduced the framework of construal level theory. We proposed that people constitute different forms of traversing psychological distance before the luxury buying behavior occurs. The empirical result indicates that consumer’s luxury buying behavior is affected by luxury value perception. Moreover, the moderating effect of various package size psychological distance is statistically significant to influence the relationship between luxury value perception and buying behavior. In other words, the different forms of psychological distance boosts value – behavior correspondence. Finally, we also provide some practical suggestion for marketing strategy of luxury consumption.
Appears in Collections:Thesis