標題: 從資源基礎觀點探討台灣中小型風力發電機產業企業電子化績效與策略之研究
Effectiveness and Strategy Toward E-Business for Small & Medium Wind Turbine Industry in Taiwan : A Resource-Based View
作者: 張學麟
Chang, Hsueh-Lin
關鍵字: 資源基礎觀點;風力發電機;電子化;ERP;績效;策略;wind turbine;the electronic mode of corporation;e-business;ERP;effectiveness and strategy
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 網際網路在功能上改變了全球市場的本質,而且改變了商業模式,它以迅雷不及掩耳的速度席捲全球,影響所及,“電子化”已成為許多企業念茲在茲的經營課題。無論是提昇營運效率、降低經營成本、或是增加競爭優勢,企業電子化已成為一條必走之路。 本研究主要以企業個案專家訪談、問卷調查兩個部份,作一綜合性的整理與分析,從台灣中小型風力發電機產業企業電子化及ERP系統推動經驗與過程、以及作業應用中,探討其企業如何適當利用其內外資源,研究其成功模式,以提供台灣風力發電機產業之企業,在規劃或運作企業電子化的過程中,減少摸索及佈置之時間、及減少成本投資的支出。 透過五個企業個案專家訪談,發現及瞭解在企業電子化過程中,有六個影響企業電子化的關鍵變數,其變數包括「電子化的模式」、「電子化的程度」、「內部的資源」、「策略的意圖」、「產業的環境」、以及「電子化的目的」。 經問卷統計分析後,我們進一步得到變數間相互影響的關係為:「企業內部資源」影響「電子化模式」,而「電子化模式」、「策略意圖」、及「產業環境」等三個變數影響「電子化程度」,進而「電子化程度」與「產業環境」影響企業之電子化成果。 在結論中所述的五個企業電子化的成敗關鍵因素、及六個電子化之關鍵變數相互間關聯性影響關係,其結果可供台灣風力發電機產業之企業在面對規劃與執行企業電子化時作參考,以減少佈置的時間與減少成本支出,快速達到管理績效及電子化成果,進一步形成競爭優勢使企業獲得利基及永續經營。
Internet is changing the character of the global market in the function , and is changing the business mode too . It has speeded to encroached upon the world wide that has influenced all of some thing. The electronic corporation is important topic of management for corporations . However, The electronic corporation must be established for the efficiency of management or cost down or competitive vantage adding. This research use the cases study and question investigating to analyze to get the successful mode from the experience of the small & medium wind turbine industry of Taiwan that has developed the electronic mode of corporation . The cases study of five has been discovered that has six key variables to influence the electronic corporation. The variables are the electronic mode and the electronic degree and the internal resource and the content of strategy and the environment of industry and the electronic purpose . The statistics of question investigating has been analyzed that we get the relation of influence between the variables that the internal resource has influenced the electronic mode , the electronic mode and the content of strategy and the environment of industry have influenced the electronic degree , the electronic degree and the environment of industry have influenced the electronic result. The discovery have provided the reference that can reduce the time and cost to speed to arrive the efficiency and the result of electronic corporation for the small & medium wind turbine industry of Taiwan that has developed the electronic mode of corporation in the conclusion of the research , And the corporation would get the competitive vantage to make benefit and grow up continuously in the competition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis