Title: 光電業污水廠批次式活性污泥池最適操作之研究
Optimal operation of sequence batch reactor (SBR) in the optoelectronics wastewater treatment plant
Authors: 林曉偉
Lin, Hsiao-Wei
Huang, Chih-Pin
Keywords: 批次式活性污泥法;硝化作用;污水廠;sequence batch reactor (SBR);nitrification;wastewater treatment plant
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 半導體及光電等高科技產業因製程過程中排放含高濃度氨氮廢水,可採物理、化學或生物等除氮方法與技術處理含氮廢水,然而生物除氮硝化過程中,因消耗鹼度導致pH值降低之現象,為維持良好處理效能,以及符合放流水標準,操作過程中需額外添加鹼劑以維持pH中性,增加了藥品用量及操作成本。
Semiconductor and optoeletronics high-tech industries often release high concentration of nitrogen and ammonia containing wastewater in manufacturing process. When removing nitrification in biotreatment process simultaneously, the consuming alkali lowers the pH value. To comply with effluent standards, the increase of additional alkaline agent when operating causes chemical and operational cost enhanced.
This study mainly focused on the sequence batch reactor (SBR) pools in optoelectronics wastewater treatment plant as subject to find the optimal methods to operate efficiently and to reduce operating cost by adjusting operational cycle or alternating operation steps which as intermittent aeration mode, shortening aeration duration mode and etc.
The operating parameter has shown when adjusting operation cycle, it will affect treatment volume, HRT, F/M and BOD volume loaded in SBR pools. After changing the operation steps to cause low DO level in SBR pools by adjusting aeration mode and shortening aeration duration mode, the way will reduce DO level to complete the nitrification.
In terms of efficient operation, BOD5 would be removed at least 62% averagely, and not be affected by the adjustment of operation cycle and steps. Ammonia and nitrate nitrogen removal rates, however, have not been influented by these adjustments. In addition, under low DO level when nitrification, ammonia-oxidation bacteria (AOB) would be more competitive with nitrite-oxidation bacteria (NOB).
In terms of operating cost deduction, the ways of adjusting HRT and shortening aeration duration cause the partial nitrification condition in reacting process. Therefore, the deduction of the consuming alkalinity will slow down the descended pH variation and reduce NaOH dosage. In addition, the adjustment of operational cycle has increased the volume treatment of SBR pools. The adjustment of aerator on intermittent aeration mode and shortening aeration duration mode could save power cost. Thus, the methods of adjustment in operating cycle and operating steps could entirely deduct operating cost.
Appears in Collections:Thesis