標題: 棕櫚絲產業資源再生工業個案分析:以N公司之為例
The Analysis of Resource Recycling Business Model in Palm Fiber Industry: A Case Study of the N Company in Malaysia
作者: 呂紹群
Lu, Shao-Chun
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 棕櫚絲;棕櫚纖維;棕櫚床墊;棕櫚隔音板;商業模式圖;palm;palm fiber;palm mattresses;palm panels;The Business Model Canvas
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 全球正面臨石化能源短缺以及溫室效應的影響,因此各種利用生物化學或熱化學等程序所製造的生質化學品,已逐漸獲得各國的重視。然而,長期以來,生質化學品的推廣成效不彰,其中一個關鍵因素是多數民眾對生質化學品的品質認知不足。人類自古以來即能有效運用棕櫚絲的特性;棕櫚絲不但成本低廉且具有強大的韌性及抗菌性,故適合用於紡織品及民生用品;本研究為達教育推廣之目的,以玖國(馬)有限公司的馬六甲廠所生產的棕櫚絲為例,探討棕櫚絲的特性、優點、生產流程及該公司之商業模式。根據Osterwalder及Pigneur所提出的商業模式,分析玖國(馬)有限公司之關鍵成功因素;結果顯示,棕櫚絲的經營者,應先考慮「關鍵合作夥伴」及「成本結構」兩項要素,並推廣及宣傳棕櫚絲的「價值主張」,如此不但可教育民眾外,更可提供人造絲及椰絲的客戶群,有更有力之選擇,將可有效擴張公司的「目標客層」及「關鍵活動」等部分。本研究之產品為玖國(馬)有限公司以自行研發之機具,透過篩選、打絲、烘乾及擠壓打包等四個步驟,製成平均長度約為8公分以上,平均濕度為15%以下之棕櫚絲。研究結果顯示:(1) 棕櫚絲含有二氧化矽的微粒,抗菌性佳;(2) 經測驗發現棕櫚絲韌性強於人造纖維。此結果亦顯示棕櫚絲適合製作成抗菌鞋墊、床墊、隔音板、繩索及榻榻米,可作為替代目前以原油為原料之石化品。
The world is facing petrochemical energy shortages and the impact of greenhouse effect, therefore Governments are paying more attention to the advantage of biobased products. However, till today the biobased products have not been successfully to popularize. The primary cause of this problem is that most people do not understand their benefits. Since the ancient time, human being were able to utilize the characteristics of the palm fiber. Because the palm Fiber is inexpensive and has a strong toughness and antibacterial property, which is very suitable for the application of textile and daily essentials. For the purpose of education and promotion of characters and benefits of palm fiber, we choose the production of palm fiber by Nation Nine(M)SDN BHD as a case study. Then we probe the features, benefits and production processes of the of palm fiber that we also investigate the business model canvas of the case company. According to the theory of “The Business Model Canvas” that proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur, we found that Nation Nine(M)SDN BHD 's success factors are the following: first, the operators should put "key partner" and "cost structure" as their prior consideration. Second, the operator must promote the "value proposition" of the palm fiber which not only to educate the public, but also can provide the customers of rayon and coconut fiber a more valuable option. Thus, it will be able to expand the company's "target customer" and "key activities". In this study, the palm fiber is produced by the self-developed equipments from Nation Nine(M)SDN BHD. The manufacturing process includes 4 steps: (1) filtering, (2) splitting, (3) drying and (4) pressing. The finished fiber, in average, is over 8 cm long with moisture content below 15%. The result shows that: (1) Palm fiber contains silica which is good for antibacterial application; (2) The palm fiber is tougher than rayon fiber. Such finding includes that palm fiber is a good material for producing antibacterial insoles, mattresses, panels, ropes and tatami, it is an alternative of petrochemical products.