標題: 電子商務24小時配送物流服務品質評估:以中華郵政公司為例
Evaluation of Logistics Service Quality of 24-hour Delivery for E-Commerce: A Case Study of Chunghwa Post
作者: 邱澤文
Chiou, Tze-Wen
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai
關鍵字: 電子商務;24小時配送;物流服務品質;中華郵政公司;E-Commerce;24-hour Delivery;Logistics Service Quality;Chunghwa Post
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來郵政產業面臨轉型階段,函件量大幅下滑,包裹業務成為重要的營收來源,主因為電子商務市場快速成長,衍生大量包裹配送需求,其中消費者網路下單後24小時內完成配送的服務,已然成為網路購物的新標準。配送業者為掌握此商機、提升市占率,除了以價格競爭之外,勢必需改善物流服務品質以增加競爭力。 本研究以問卷調查蒐集臺灣四家主要網購平台業者資料,並經由層級分析法篩選24小時配送物流服務品質之關鍵評估準則,最後再透過重要度與滿意度分析法,討論中華郵政公司之物流服務品質改善方向。 結果顯示,重要度最高之三項關鍵評估準則為「可於約定時間內完成配送」、「可及時處理異常配送問題」與「配送包裹損壞率低」,中華郵政公司在此三個項目皆具有競爭優勢,然而進一步考量其滿意度評估結果,「可於約定時間內完成配送」及「配送包裹損壞率低」皆落後於競爭者,代表中華郵政公司仍需持續尋求物流服務品質改善措施,以爭取擴大市占率。
Postal industry has recently entered a phase of rapid transition. Mail volume declined sharply, and parcel service has become an important source of revenue. The fast-growing e-commerce market has been the driving force of this change. At the center of this market lies a huge demand for parcel delivery. Delivery within 24 hours is one form of service satisfying such a demand, and it has been a new standard for online shopping. In order to tap into this vibrant market and expand their market share, delivery operators must look beyond price competition. They must improve their logistics service quality (LSQ) to enhance their competitiveness. This paper collects data by questionnaire from 4 major online shopping platforms in Taiwan, then use the Analysis of Hierarchy Process (AHP) to find out the key criteria with which we can evaluate the LSQ for delivery within 24 hours. Finally, this study uses the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to discuss the directions for improving LSQ for Chunghwa Post. Result shows that the top three criteria customers (online shopping platforms) use to determine LSQ are: “the ability to deliver on time”, “the ability to handle unusual delivery problems in time” and “the ability to keep parcels intact”. Chunghwa Post apparently excels in all of these areas. However, if we take customers’ satisfaction rate into consideration, other delivery operators outperform Chunghwa Post when it comes to “the ability to deliver on time” and “the ability to keep parcels intact.” This means that Chunghwa Post still needs to find ways to improve their performance in these two specific areas if they wish to expand their market share.
Appears in Collections:Thesis