标题: 台湾有线电视系统经营业者之经营绩效评估
A Performance Evaluation of Cable TV Companies in Taiwan
作者: 裴倩伶
Pei, Chien-Ling
Hu, Jin-Li
关键字: 获利能力评估;电信服务;有线电视系统;DEA;Tobit;Profitability evaluation;Telecom service;Cable TV;Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA);Tobit regression
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 本文之研究目的在于多面向探讨有线电视系统业者营运策略对公司获利能力之影响。研究期间为2008年至2014年,以台湾地区五十三家有线电视业者为研究对象,利用资料包络分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)与Tobit回归分析,第一阶段先以DEA模型,针对多投入与多产出分析各业者之效率值,并以单一效率值做为综合性评量指标,第二阶段再以Tobit回归找出影响业者效率值的关键因素。经分析得结论如下:1. 2008年至2014年间共有5家业者,连续7年均达最适经营效率。2. 桃竹苗与东部离岛区域经营效率较佳。3. MSO系统业者获利以凯擘最高。4. 台湾宽频是纯技术效率与单位平均获利最高。5. 经营区域面积越大、加入MSO系统不利于纯技术效率提升。6. 县市政府核定收视费高、既有订户数多有利于纯技术效率提升。7. 新进业者可优先考虑进入新北市与桃园市之高获利高效率区域经营。
This thesis investigates factors of profitability evaluation of Cable TV companies in Taiwan. A dataset of fifty-three Cable TV companies in Taiwan during 2008 to 2014 is constructed. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Tobit regression methods are used for analysis. The major empirical findings are as follows: 1. During 2008 to 2014, there are five Cable TV companies reaching optimal efficiency. 2. The Taoyaun, Hsinchu, and Miaoli, East Taiwan, and outer islands areas are most technically efficient. 3. Among all Multiple System Operators (MSO) groups, Kbro is the most profitable. 4. Cable TV companies owned by Taiwan Broadband Company (TBC) are the most efficient and profitable in average. 5. The wide areas or MSO categories have significantly negative impacts on technical efficiency. 6. The service fee and number of subscribers have significantly positive impacts on technical efficiency. 7. New Cable TV operator should first week to operate in high profit and high efficiency areas such as New Taipei City and Taoyuan City.