Title: 走進
Come in
Authors: 陳韋翰
Chen, Wei-Han
Lai, Wen-Shu
Keywords: 隱藏;性別意識;坦誠;家庭;self-repression;gender awareness;honesty;family
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本文爬梳筆者的生命脈絡,從中找尋是什麼樣的特質影響著自己一直以來的創作,從小覺察自己的不同,因為害怕而不斷隱藏自身,而在研究所早期的作品中,時常可以看見筆者自我壓抑的表現形式。隨著時間與環境的改變,筆者體認到自我坦誠的重要,故以此為核心思想創作了《Come in》系列作品,使用自己與家人的衣物為媒材,在編織過程釐清自身在家庭中的定位以及對他們的情感,並以衣櫃作為裝置意象,暗指在衣櫃裡的同性戀處境,藉坦露自身來反駁社會對同性戀者的誤解,並期許能鼓勵他人勇於坦然面對自己的差異性。
To explore the connection between my life and art making, I attempted to find out influences that have affected my artworks and me. Since childhood, I have discovered some differences between me and other children. Said differences scared me, so I hid myself away from others. One can see traces of self-repression present in my artworks made during my early graduate school years. As I grew up and met many different people, I experienced the diversity of human kind and formed the belief that people should always be honest to themselves. The graduation work <Come in> is all about honesty. I used old clothes that belonged to my family and me as materials. As represented by the process of weaving, I clarified how I feel about my family and where I stand in this relationship. On the other hand, I used an abstract closet as my installation to symbolize the situation of homosexuals. By inviting people into my closet, I hope for them to reject the society’s misconceptions of homosexuals and to understand that homosexuals are just as normal as everyone else. I hope also to encourage people to face and embrace their uniqueness, as well as appreciate others for the way they are.
Appears in Collections:Thesis