Title: 合作學習教學法與講述式教學法於國小六年級 Scratch 教學之比較研究
A Study of Cooperative Learning andExpository Strategies on Scratch Instructions for Students in Sixth Grade
Authors: 楊志億
Keywords: Scratch;合作學習;講述式教學法;Scratch;Cooperative learning;Traditional expository strategy
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 九年一貫的理念是希望學童能培養中小學學生能應用到生活中的技能、行為與觀念的教育。因此,學生的學習不再是單向被動的接收知識,而是由學生主動、並和同儕相互合作來學習,學生獲得知識的來源不再侷限於課本與課堂上,而是透過電腦等多媒體設備和網際網路的連結,學生可以不受時間與空間的限制透過網路來取得全世界各地的數位學習資源。然而學習程式設計可以讓學生發揮創意,建構知識,訓練自我邏輯思考能力,建立自我解決問題的能力,培養學生獨立自主與探索學習、合作學習的態度與應用能力。研究者在進行Scratch教學時,發現學生對Scratch雖多興趣,但學生在學習成就上同儕之間有很大的落差,研究者認為學生有問題時,大部分皆由教師來協助處理,但課堂上時間有限而學生的問題種類非常多,教師無法在有限的時間內逐一解決課堂所有學生的提問,因此研究者希望藉由合作學習的上課方式,來提升學童Scratch的學習成就。 本研究為準實驗研究,採用單因子變異數分析,自變項為教學方法,依變項為進步成績。以新竹市某國小六年級六個班148位學生為研究對象,研究於教學前先進行前測,在統一進行五週的基礎教學後。再進行教學實驗,分別施以不同教學方法教授Scratch程式設計,共八周時間。於教學實驗結束後後再進行後測。 研究結果為三種不同教學法確實對學生之Scratch學習成就有顯著性提升。學生小組成就區分法和拼圖法第二代此兩種合作學習教學法與傳統講述式教學法的學生在Scratch學習成就的變化上無顯著差異。就進步成績而言,拼圖法第二代學之習成就優於講述式教學法之學習成就亦優於學生小組成就區分法之學習成就。 關鍵字:Scratch、合作學習、講述式教學法
The present study aims at students’ learning effectiveness of using cooperative learning and expository strategies of teaching scratch. A quasi-experimental design was adopted in the study. The participants were 148 sixth- grade students from six classes in a public elementary school. The participants were divided into three groups - student's team achievement divisions learning and Jigsaw II learning and the traditional expository strategy. Based on the results of scratch pre-test, the two experimental groups were further divided into groups of three levels - high, medium, and low; the purpose is to investigate the correlation between strategies and competence of scratch among students after eight weeks of scratch learning. The research tool of this study was a scratch learning achievement test. The study used a nonequivalent pre and post-test design. The study applied one-way ANOVA to analyze the pre-tests of the three groups. The result showed that there’s no significant difference among the three groups. Paired t test will be applied to investigate the differences between the pre-tests and post-tests of the three groups. The result showed that the three groups have the significant progress in scratch learning achievement. One-way ANOVA will be administered to investigate the differences of the progress score among the three groups. The result demonstrated that the student's team achievement divisions learning and Jigsaw II learning group have non-significant differences in scratch learning achievement compared to the traditional expository strategy group. Key word: Scratch、Cooperative learning、Traditional expository strategy
Appears in Collections:Thesis