Title: 應用層級分析法探討非蘋PC產業手持裝置音效晶片供應商遴選關鍵因素
Applying AHP to investigate the performance evaluation of non-Apple tablet-based I2S audio codec suppliers.
Authors: 周德鴻
Chou, Te-Hung
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: IC設計;I2S Audio Codec;PC產業;AHP層級分析法;IC design;I2S Audio Codec;PC industry;AHP
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: PC產業近10年發展快速,除原有的Desktop, Motherboard產品之外Notebook, 2 in1和Tablet等相關應用產品亦快速崛起。在強調行動力和續航力的氛圍下,不只是Intel 和AMD等SoC廠商紛紛研發低耗電的CPU,提供PC相關週邊晶片如Ethernet、Audio Codec、Card Reader等產品的供應商亦逐步朝低耗電的方向設計產品。這個時候,多應用於平板電腦的低耗電音效晶片(I2S Audio Codec)逐漸蓬勃發展且越來越受到市場的關注。

本研究利用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process : AHP)分析PC品牌廠商在遴選應用在平板或是行動裝置上的低耗電I2S Audio Codec供應商時,有可能考量的因素有哪些? 希望可以透過產官學界的專家問卷來進行AHP的遴選分析,找出選擇I2S Audio Codec Vendor的關鍵決定因素以供業界品牌廠商和I2S Audio Codec的供應商做後續參考。
The PC OEM companies target mobile and low power devices as the new revenue catalyst over the past decade. Based on this trend, new interface is required to meet up the new specification in order to be applied by tablets and smart phones. In terms of the audio interface, it changes from High Definition Audio (HDA) into Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S).
By using Analytic hierarchy process approach(AHP)methodology, we tried to structure the model to define the key factors for PC Tablet OEMs and IC suppliers. These key factors could facilitate them for following product selection and IC development.
The results of this research could be applied for the decision making process of selecting the proper solution for new product launch. Additionally, the insights from this study could be referred as the key factors to the PC industry for successful product development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis