Title: 建築場景: 現象感知與空間情境構成邏輯 – 以五個模型為例
Architectural Mise-en- scène : Design Research on epistemology of knowing space - Five Projects
Authors: 鄧宇哲
Tseng, C.-David
Keywords: 場景;身體;記憶;事件;過程;scene;flesh;memory;event;process
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 人們不能僅靠著科學的理解來獲得對某一場所的認知,人們需要具象物件來產生場所認知( Norberg-Schulz, 1980),因此藉由探討建築中人們的活動和人造環境之間的關係,來尋找人對於空間意象的想像,以及建築如何建構人們對於空間的感覺、經驗與記憶而產生的影像。本文以場景與空間、影像、空間意象的閱讀、空間經驗的觀點去觀看建築場景的建構。嘗試剖析建築如何利用人與環境之間的關係以及環境對人的影響來製造場景,透過不同的場景來營造各種的場所認知與象徵性。並試著以幾個議題和案子討論建築空間情境的呈現樣態與意義,歸納建築中的空間情境以及生活經驗的敘事。

Architecture is the capacity to achieve a spiritual unity between humans and things. To understand the phenomenological aspects of architectural space, in terms of thingness of things, is how a scene can be meaningful to us and how architecture can belong to a given scene. Thus, the study of scene becomes involved with things, natural facts and visual properties, which are meant to the identities of scene. Moreover, Capturing this thingness or establishing a meaningful relationship between a human and his environments, does not consist in a logical or scientific sense, but rather in a sentimental and contemplative one.

Phenomenology to answer the questions of the complex relation between person and architecture world. It could revealed, presented and understood thingness of things in a certain way. Moreover, people see, observe, contemplate and experience the facts of space. an epistemology of knowing and feeling a place, is essential to the view of space.

As stated above, scene philosophy views the identity of a place as someone’s experience and apprehension of ontological essence of a space. in a phenomenological sense approaching, Architectural space is determined by scenic condition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis